{ The following Unit contains one Function. This Function will initialize the Borland BGI Interface in a Turbo Pascal Program. I wrote this Unit in TP 5.5, but it should work For all versions of TP after 4.0. The Function performs two actions which I think can help Graphics Programs immensely. The first is to obtain the path For the BGI (and CHR) drivers from an environmental Variable BGIDIR. The second action is to edit the driver and mode passed to the initialization Unit against what is detected by TP. The Function returns a Boolean to say if it was able to successfully initialize the driver. I hope this helps someone. } Unit GrphInit; Interface Uses Dos, Graph; Function Init_Graphics (Var GraphDriver, GraphMode : Integer) : Boolean; { This Function will initialize the Turbo Graphics For the requested Graphics mode if and only if the requested mode is valid For the machine the Function is run in. Another feature of this Function is that it will look For an environmental Variable named 'BGIDIR'. If this Variable is found, it will attempt to initialize the Graphics mode looking For the BGI driver using the String associated With BGIDIR as the path. If the correct BGI driver is not available, or if there is not BGIDIR Variable in the environment, it will attempt to initialize using the current directory. } Implementation Function Init_Graphics (Var GraphDriver, GraphMode : Integer) : Boolean; Const ENV_BGI_PATH = 'BGIDIR'; Var BGI_Path : String; begin { Default to not work } Init_Graphics := False; BGI_Path := GetEnv(ENV_BGI_PATH); InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,BGI_Path); if GraphResult = grOk then Init_Graphics := True Else begin { Try current Directory } InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,''); if GraphResult = grOk then Init_Graphics := True; end; { Try current Directory } end; { Function Init_Graphics } end. { Example File : Uses Graph, GrphInit; Const Gd : Integer = 0; Gm : Integer = 0; begin Init_Graphics(Gd, Gm); Line(10,10,40,40); Readln; end. }