{ BERNIE PALLEK > Hmm.. does anyone have an example of a starfield routine in Turbo Pascal.. OK, here's a sample (I don't know what kind of starfield you're looking for): {EGA/VGA parallax stars} Uses Crt, Graph, KasUtils; Const starCol : Array[0..2] of Byte = (8, 7, 15); Type StarRec = Record x : Integer; y : Integer; d : Integer; { depth } end; Var stars : Array[0..31] of StarRec; xinc, yinc : Integer; ch : Char; Procedure OpenGraph; Var gd, gm : Integer; begin EgaVga_Exe; Gd := Detect; { this doesn't care if you don't have correct video card or not } InitGraph(gd, gm, ''); { put the path to your BGI } end; Procedure InitStars; Var i : Integer; begin For i := 0 to 31 do With stars[i] do begin x := Random(GetMaxX); y := Random(GetMaxY); d := Random(3); end; end; Procedure MoveStars; Var i : Integer; begin For i := 0 to 31 do With stars[i] do begin PutPixel(x, y, 0); x := x + xinc * (d + 1); if (x < 0) then x := x + GetMaxX; if (x > GetMaxX) then x := x - GetMaxX; y := y + yinc * (d + 1); if (y < 0) then y := y + GetMaxY; if (y > GetMaxY) then y := y - GetMaxY; PutPixel(x, y, starCol[d]); end; end; begin OpenGraph; (* enter Graphics mode *) InitStars; xinc := 1; yinc := 0; Repeat MoveStars; Delay(10); (* Delay here For faster computers *) Until KeyPressed; ch := ReadKey; if (ch = #0) then ch := ReadKey; (* get rid of extended keycodes *) CloseGraph; end. { Whew! There you have it! Untested, of course, so you may have to iron out a few bugs. **** BIG HINT: You should probably use Real numbers instead of Integer numbers for x and y positions and increments, and Round them when PutPixel-ing! This will allow you to make smoother transitions, as well as bouncing effects, and other neat stuff. **** You'll notice (if the thing works) that the stars move horizontally only, and the dimmer ones move slower than the bright ones (parallax/multi-layered). You can add extra layers, but remember to change the StarCol Constant so you have the right number of colours For the stars. Sorry, I was too lazy to comment it thoroughly; I'm expecting that you'll be able to figure it out Without too much trouble. Sorry if you can't; Write me for an explanation. TTYL. }