{ > Does anyone know how to view BIT map picture, thanx...... } Type PBitmapCoreHeader = ^TBitmapCoreHeader; TBitmapCoreHeader = record bcSize: Longint; { used to get to color table } bcWidth: Word; bcHeight: Word; bcPlanes: Word; bcBitCount: Word; end; PBitmapInfoHeader = ^TBitmapInfoHeader; TBitmapInfoHeader = record biSize: Longint; biWidth: Longint; biHeight: Longint; biPlanes: Word; biBitCount: Word; biCompression: Longint; biSizeImage: Longint; biXPelsPerMeter: Longint; biYPelsPerMeter: Longint; biClrUsed: Longint; biClrImportant: Longint; end; { Constants for the biCompression field } const bi_RGB = 0; bi_RLE8 = 1; bi_RLE4 = 2; type PBitmapInfo = ^TBitmapInfo; TBitmapInfo = record bmiHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader; bmiColors: array[0..0] of TRGBQuad; end; type PBitmapCoreInfo = ^TBitmapCoreInfo; TBitmapCoreInfo = record bmciHeader: TBitmapCoreHeader; bmciColors: array[0..0] of TRGBTriple; end; type PBitmapFileHeader = ^TBitmapFileHeader; TBitmapFileHeader = record bfType: Word; bfSize: Longint; bfReserved1: Word; bfReserved2: Word; bfOffBits: Longint; end;