{ > I think TP is fast enough for that, because your video card needs much > time to display the screen. Perhaps this is a little bit faster on > REALLY slow machines : Actually, that won't do what it's supposed to do... When you use the IN instruction the format is like this: IN op1,op2 That transfers a byte, word or dword from the in op2 specified port into AL, AX or EAX. > Asm > MOV DX,$03DA > @@1: > IN DX,AX <----- Therefore, change to: in al,dx > TEST AX,$08 <----- test al,8 > JZ @@1 > @@2: > IN DX,AX <----- in al,dx > TEST AX,$08 <----- test al,8 > JNZ @@2 > End; }