{ For all of you who are interested on fractals, here is a little program, taken from a source code in Modula-2, that will draw a Mandelbrot fractal. Just one problem: If your computer doesn't have a math coprocessor, the program will run "a bit" slow :). Try modifying all the constants, you'll get strange results :). } {$N+} {$X+ Enable Extended Syntax } Program Mandelbrot; {Using real numbers. For TP 6.0 and above } Uses Crt; {Only to use "ReadKey" Function. } Const Colours=255; {Number of colors to be on the image. } Width=320; {Width of the image. } Height=200; {Height of the image. } Limit=8.0; {Until when we calculate. } XRMin=-2.0; {Left limit of the fractal. } XRMax=1.0; {Right limit of the fractal. } YRMin=-1.3; {Lower limit of the fractal. } YRMax=1.3; {Upper limit of the fractal. } Type Palette=Array[0..767] of Byte; {MCGA/VGA palette type } Var XPos,YPos:Word; {Sets the desired video mode (13h) } Procedure SetVideoMode(VideoMode:Byte); Assembler; Asm xor ax,ax {BIOS Function 00h: Set Video Mode. } mov al,VideoMode {Desired Video Mode. } int 10h End; {Creates a palette: Black --> red --> yellow } Procedure MakePalette; Var CPal:Palette; i:Byte; {Sets the palette. } Procedure SetPalette(Pal:Palette); Assembler; Asm push es mov ax,1012h {BIOS function 10h, subfunction 12h. } xor bx,bx {first color register. } mov cx,20h {number of color registers. } les dx,Pal {ES:DX Segment:Offset of color table. } Int 10h pop es End; Begin For i:=0 to 15 do Begin CPal[3*i]:=4*i+3; CPal[3*i+1]:=0; CPal[3*i+2]:=0; CPal[3*i+48]:=63; CPal[3*i+49]:=4*i+3; CPal[3*i+50]:=0; End; SetPalette(CPal); End; {Draws a Plot of the desired color on screen. } Procedure DrawPixel(XPos,YPos:Word; PlotColour:Byte); Begin Mem[$A000:YPos*320+XPos]:=PlotColour; End; {Needs to be explained? ;-) } Procedure Beep; Begin Sound(3000); Delay(90); Sound(2500); Delay(90); NoSound; End; {Calculates the color for each point. } Function ComputeColour(XPos,YPos:Word):Byte; Var RealP,ImagP:Real; CurrX,CurrY:Real; a2,b2:Real; Counter:Byte; Begin CurrX:=XPos/Width*(XRMax-XRMin)+XRMin; CurrY:=YPos/Height*(YRMax-YRMin)+YRMin; RealP:=0; ImagP:=0; Counter:=0; Repeat a2:=Sqr(RealP); b2:=Sqr(ImagP); ImagP:=2*RealP*ImagP+CurrY; RealP:=a2-b2+CurrX; Inc(Counter); Until (Counter>=Colours) or (a2+b2>=Limit); ComputeColour:=Counter-1; End; Begin Writeln('Program to draw Fractals of Mandelbrot.'); Writeln('Written by Miguel Mart¡nez. '); Writeln('Press any key to continue...'); If ReadKey=#0 Then ReadKey; {Skip double codes. } SetVideoMode(19); {Set 320x200x256 graphics mode. } MakePalette; For YPos:=0 to (Height-1) do For XPos:=0 to (Width-1) do DrawPixel(XPos,YPos,ComputeColour(XPos,YPos)); Beep; {Beep when finished. } If ReadKey=#0 Then ReadKey; ReadKey; SetVideoMode(3); {Restore text mode. } End.