Date: June 24, 1995 ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º package º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ *FAST* Turbo Pascal unit (part assembly langauge). DESCRIPTION: Saves a copy of the 640x480 VGA 16 color screen to a properly formatted PCX file. This routine also takes care to save the current palette so your colors will be preserved correctly. REQUIRED: * Turbo Pascal 6+ to run these routines, however, if you just want to learn the PCX format you can read the source code and comments. I think Pascal code is a relatively easy language to read and understand. * EGAVGA.BGI supplied by Borland with the Turbo Pascal compiler FILE LIST: vga2pcx.pas Source code for pcx routines vga2pcx.tpu Turbo Pascal 6.0 object code test.pas Example program to use the vga2pcx unit test.exe Compiled example program test.pcx PCX file created by test.exe program COMMON USES: * Programmer can give user ability to save a copy of his/her exact graphics screen for presentation or documentation purposes. The PCX format is common format that is easily imported into word processors, etc. * Slide show programs often operate on PCX files. You can save a sequence of pictures and then run a program to cycle through them like a demonstration. * Frees the DOS programmer from having to support multiple printing devices. If you can fit your graphics on the screen, the screen can be saved into a standard PCX file. This opens the door to printing via other, more specialized, programs. * Source code included, so you can learn the PCX format and customize for your own use. AUTHOR INFO: Bren Sessions 1590 NW Maple Corvallis, OR 97330 Tel: (503) 758-2256 Email: PARTICULARS: No copyright!!! Feel free to incorporate this into your own code. If you find these functions useful, I'd appreciate to hear from you. If you feel like supporting my efforts, be great too. Some people have sent me mail telling me that we've been waiting for these routines for years. I suggest $5, but you can send me whatever you think is reasonable. unit vga2pcx; interface uses crt, { gives sound ability } graph; { allows reading the current palette } { Saves a copy of the 640x480 VGA 16 color screen to a properly formatted PCX file. This routine also takes care to save the current palette so your colors will be preserved correctly. COMMON USES: * Programmer can give user ability to save a copy of his/her exact graphics screen for presentation or documentation purposes. The PCX format is common format that is easily imported into word processors, etc. * Slide show programs often operate on PCX files. You can save a sequence of pictures and then run a program to cycle through them like a demonstration. * Frees the DOS programmer from having to support multiple printing devices. If you can fit your graphics on the screen, the screen can be saved into a standard PCX file. This opens the door to printing via other, more specialized, programs. * Source code included, so you can learn the PCX format and customize for your own use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No copyright!!! Feel free to incorporate this into your own code. If you find these functions useful, I'd appreciate to hear from you. If you feel like supporting my efforts, be great too. Some people have sent me mail telling me that we've been waiting for these routines for years. I suggest $5, but you can send me whatever you'd like. Have fun!! Bren Sessions 1590 N.W. Maple Corvallis, OR 97330 (503) 758-2256 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure write_pcx(fn : string; var ok : boolean); { Will save the current 640x480 VGA 16 color screen into file passed as parameter 'fn'. If the save is successful (e.g. the filename was legal, 'ok' is given the value of true } implementation {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure get_rgb(color : integer; var r,g,b : integer); { converts a VGA16 color into its reg, green, blue components } begin r:=(((color and $20) shr 5) or ((color and $04) shr 1))*84; g:=(((color and $10) shr 4) or ((color and $02) ))*84; b:=(((color and $08) shr 3) or ((color and $01) shl 1))*84; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure write_pcx(fn : string; var ok : boolean); { saves windowed region into a RLE .PCX file } { *** compression idea: Each scanline is decomposed into a continous stream of 4 bit planes = 80 bytes * 4 = 320 bytes. This stream is checked for consecutive byte patterns. Up to 63 ($3F) values can compressed into two bytes forming a RLE code of $C0 or'ed with the run length (up to $3F). This forms the first byte, usually ($FF = 1100 0000 | 0011 1111) The next byte is the actual data byte. If a single byte is encountered it is written to the file as simply itself UNLESS the top two bits are set (mask $C0) which would indicate a RLE. If this is the case then a special RLE of length 1 must be written in the general RLE form. Here this would be ($C0 | 01 => $C1 followed by the data byte.). I compress each scan line separately thus ending possible RLE's at the end of each scan line. This seems to be accepted practice. Bren Sessions, June 17, 1995 } type header_rec = record pcx_id : byte; { 0) 0x0a = ZSoft .PCX file } pcx_ver : byte; { 1) 0x05 = PC PaintBrush 3.0 } encode : byte; { 2) 0x01 = RLE } bpp : byte; { 3) 0x01 = bits/pixel why VGA16=1? } left : word; { 4-5) Window Left } top : word; { 6-7) Window Top } right : word; { 8-9) Window Right } bott : word; { 10-11) Window Bottom } xres : word; { 12-13) Horizontal resolution } yres : word; { 14-15) Vertical resolution } rgb : array[0..15,1..3] of byte; { (R-G-B) values } resv : byte; { 64) Reserved } bplanes : byte; { 65) Number of bit planes, VGA16=4 } bpl : word; { 66-67) # of bytes/line, VGA16=80 } ptype : word; { 68-69) palette type, color=1 } unused : array[70..127] of byte; end; const BUFSIZE = 256; { will write to disk at this byte interval } var header : header_rec; pal : palettetype; { from graph unit } r,g,b : integer; i,y,j : integer; fz : file; data : array[0..319] of byte; { (4 bitplanes) * (scan line=80 bytes) } buf : array[1..BUFSIZE] of byte; bi : integer; { buffer index } dta : byte; index : integer; count : integer; label done; { - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } procedure flushit; begin blockwrite(fz,buf,bi); bi:=0; end; { - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } procedure get_bitplane_info_at_scan_line(plane, scanline : word; var address); { Dumps the requested scanline (0-479) at a particular bitplane (0-3) into a memory address. Space required = 80 bytes (640 pixel) } begin asm cld mov bx,ds mov ax,0a000h mov ds,ax mov ax,80 mul scanline mov si,ax mov dx,03ceh mov ax,0005h out dx,ax mov ax,plane mov ah,al mov al,04h out dx,ax mov cx,40 { 40 words = 80 bytes = 1 scan line } les di,address rep movsw mov ax,1005h out dx,ax mov ax,0004h out dx,ax mov ds,bx end; end; { - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } begin ok:=false; if fn='' then exit; { exit if no filename given } fillchar(header,sizeof(header),#0); with header do begin pcx_id := $0A; pcx_ver := $05; encode := $01; bpp := $01; left := 0; top := 0; right := 639; bott := 479; xres := 640; yres := 480; getpalette(pal); for i:=0 to 15 do begin get_rgb(pal.colors[i],r,g,b); rgb[i,1]:=r; rgb[i,2]:=g; rgb[i,3]:=b; end; bplanes := 4; bpl := 80; { bytes per line } ptype := 1; end; assign(fz,fn); {$i-} rewrite(fz,1); {$i+} if ioresult<>0 then begin sound(200); delay(2000); nosound; sound(50); delay(2000); nosound; exit; end; blockwrite(fz,header,sizeof(header)); bi:=0; { buffer index } for y:=0 to 479 do begin get_bitplane_info_at_scan_line(0,y,data[0]); get_bitplane_info_at_scan_line(1,y,data[80]); get_bitplane_info_at_scan_line(2,y,data[160]); get_bitplane_info_at_scan_line(3,y,data[240]); index:=0; repeat count:=0; dta:=data[index]; repeat inc(index); inc(count); if count>$3F then begin if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=$FF; if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=dta; count:=1; end; until (index>319) or (data[index]<>dta); done: if count>1 then begin if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=$C0 or count; if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=dta; end else begin if (dta and $C0)=$C0 then begin if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=$C1; if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=dta; end else begin if bi=BUFSIZE then flushit; inc(bi); buf[bi]:=dta; end; end; until index=320; end; if bi>0 then flushit; close(fz); { Sounds the bell that everything is o.k. } sound(800); delay(200); nosound; sound(600); delay(200); nosound; ok:=true; end; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------} end.