program Bitmapld; Uses DOS, CRT; {FUNCTION: Loads and displays a mono .BMP bitmap file in Colour EGA/VGA text mode. } const CHAR_WIDTH = 8; {Width of chars in usable pixels} {*********** `Spare' characters overwitten by bitmap} {Edit this to suit your requirements} GRABCHRS_STR : String = #0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15 + #16#17#18#19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31 + '!"#$%&'#39'()*+,-./' + '0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW' + 'XYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~' + '' + '' + '' + ''; type {*********** .BMP file data structures} TBitMapFileHeader = record bfType : Word; bfSize : LongInt; bfReserved1 : Word; bfReserved2 : Word; bfOffbits : LongInt; end; {TBitMapFileHeader} TRgbQuad = record rgbBlue : Byte; rgbGreen : Byte; rgbRed : Byte; rgbReserved : Byte; end; {TRgbQuad} TBitMapInfoHeader = record biSize : LongInt; biWidth : LongInt; biHeight : LongInt; biPlanes : Word; biBitCount : Word; biCompression : LongInt; biSizeImage : LongInt; biXPelsPerMeter : LongInt; biYPelsPerMeter : LongInt; biClrUsed : LongInt; biClrImportant : LongInt; end; {TBitMapInfoHeader} TBitMapInfo = record bmHeader : TBitMapInfoHeader; bmiColors : array [0..0] of TRgbQuad; end; {TBitMapInfo} TBitMapContents = record case Boolean of True: (bmcHeader : TBitMapFileHeader; bmcInfo : TBitMapInfo); False: (bmcByte : array[0..100] of Byte); end; {TBitMapContents} PBitMapContents = ^TBitMapContents; {*********** Character Map Structures} TCharMap = array[0..31] of Byte; TCharMapArray = array[0..255] of TCharMap; {*********** Global variables} var { Addresses assume colour EGA/VGA } CRT_COLS : Word absolute $0040:$004A; CRT_ROWS_MINUS_1: Byte absolute $0040:$0084; POINTS : Word absolute $0040:$0085; CharMapArray : TCharMapArray absolute $A000:$0000; ScreenBuffer : array[0..$fff] of Byte absolute $B800:0000; TempVideoBuffer : array[0..$fff] of Byte; {Shorthand for GRABCHRS' length byte} NOGRABCHRS : byte absolute GRABCHRS_STR; {Easy access to GRABCHRS} GRABCHRS : array[-1..255] of Byte absolute GRABCHRS_STR; {Stores default Exit procedure pointer} ExitSave : Pointer; {*********** Code begins} function LoadBitMapFile(fname : String; var FSize : LongInt) : Pointer; var buffer : Pointer; Infile : File; begin Assign(Infile, fname); {$I-} Reset(Infile,1); if IOresult <> 0 then begin Writeln('Error opening file ',fname); Exit; end; {$I+} FSize := FileSize(Infile); GetMem(buffer,Fsize); Reset(Infile,Fsize); if buffer <> nil then BlockRead(Infile,buffer^,1) else WriteLn('Error: File too big to load'); Close(Infile); LoadBitMapFile := Buffer; end; {LoadBitMapFile} procedure ProcessBitMap(Buffer : PBitMapContents; row, col : Byte); { Displays the bitmap Buffer, with top left corner at position (row, col) } type TByteBuffer = array[0..32767] of Byte; TSeqAndGCparms = array [0..3] of Word; const SeqparmsSet : TSeqAndGCparms = ($100, $402, $704, $300); GCParmsSet : TSeqAndGCparms = ($204, $005, $006, 0); SeqparmsClr : TSeqAndGCparms = ($100, $302, $304, $300); GCParmsClr : TSeqAndGCparms = ($004, $1005, $0E06, 0); var BMData : ^TByteBuffer; BMBytesPerRow, CurX, CurY, WidthInChars, HeightInChars, CharsUsedUp : Integer; CharMap : TCharMap; lastrow, endrow, endmask : Byte; procedure SetUp; var PixelWidth : Word; CRT_ROWS : Byte; begin {Get start address of bitmap data} with Buffer^ do BMData := @bmcByte[bmcHeader.bfOffBits]; with Buffer^.bmcInfo.bmHeader do begin BMBytesPerRow := 4 * ((biWidth + 31) div 32); {Get Clipped Width} if biWidth > (CHAR_WIDTH * CRT_COLS) then biWidth := (CHAR_WIDTH * CRT_COLS); WidthInChars := (biWidth + CHAR_WIDTH - 1) div CHAR_WIDTH; if biWidth = (WidthInChars * CHAR_WIDTH) then endmask := $FF else endmask := Byte($FF shl (CHAR_WIDTH - biWidth mod CHAR_WIDTH)); CRT_ROWS := Succ(CRT_ROWS_MINUS_1); {Get Clipped Height} if biHeight > (POINTS * CRT_ROWS) then biHeight := (POINTS * CRT_ROWS); HeightInChars := (biHeight + Pred(POINTS)) div POINTS; endrow := POINTS - Pred(biHeight) mod POINTS; end; {with} end; {SetUp} procedure cGenMode(var Seqparms, GCparms: TSeqAndGCparms); var i : Integer; begin asm cli end; {Disable interrupts} for i := 0 to 3 do PortW[$03c4] := Seqparms[i]; asm sti end; for i := 0 to 2 do PortW[$03ce] := GCparms[i]; end; procedure MapToChar; var i, offset : Integer; mask : Byte; begin if CurX = WidthInChars - 1 then mask := endmask else mask := $FF; offset := Succ(CurY) * POINTS * BMBytesPerRow + CurX; CharMap[POINTS] := 0; {Zero checksum} for i := 0 to POINTS - 1 do begin if i >= lastrow then CharMap[i] := BMData^[offset] and mask else CharMap[i] := 0; Inc(CharMap[POINTS], CharMap[i]); Dec(offset,BMBytesPerRow); end; end; {MapToChar} procedure PlotChar(character : Byte); begin TempVideoBuffer[((HeightInChars - CurY + row - 1) * CRT_COLS + CurX + col) * 2] := character; end; {PlotChar} function FoundInStore : Boolean; function Comp(var Buf1, Buf2 : TCharMap; POINTS : Word) : Boolean; assembler; asm push ds { Move default return to ax - 'True'} mov ax, 1 lds si, Buf1 add si, [POINTS] les di, Buf2 add di, [POINTS] mov cx, [POINTS] inc cx { Search backwards to find checksum 1st} std rep cmpsb je @@Exit { Flag failed match in return } xor ax, ax @@Exit: pop ds end; var i : Integer; begin FoundInStore := True; for i := 0 to Pred(CharsUsedUp) do if Comp(CharMapArray[GRABCHRS[i]], CharMap,POINTS) then begin PlotChar(GRABCHRS[i]); Exit; end; FoundInStore := False; end; begin { ProcessBitMap } Setup; Move(ScreenBuffer, TempVideoBuffer, Sizeof(TempVideoBuffer)); cGenMode(SeqparmsSet, GCParmsSet); CharsUsedUp := 0; lastrow := 0; CurX := 0; CurY := 0; repeat MapToChar; if not FoundInStore then begin Move(CharMap, CharMapArray[GRABCHRS[CharsUsedUp]], Succ(Points)); PlotChar(GRABCHRS[CharsUsedUp]); Inc(CharsUsedUp); end; CurX := (CurX + 1) mod WidthInChars; if (CurX = 0) then begin Inc(CurY); if CurY = HeightInChars - 1 then lastrow := endrow end; until (CharsUsedUp = NOGRABCHRS) or (CurY = HeightInChars); cGenMode(SeqparmsClr, GCParmsClr); Move(TempVideoBuffer, ScreenBuffer, Sizeof(TempVideoBuffer)); end; {ProcessBitMap} procedure DisplayBitMap; var BitMapBuffer : PBitMapContents; FileSize : LongInt; begin if ParamStr(1) = '' then begin WriteLn('USAGE: BITMAPLD '); Exit; end; BitMapBuffer := LoadBitMapFile(ParamStr(1),FileSize); if BitMapBuffer<> nil then begin ProcessBitMap(BitMapBuffer,0,0); FreeMem(BitMapBuffer, FileSize); end; end; {DisplayBitMap} procedure ResetFont; far; {This is called as an exit procedure, so the screen is always restored, even if something goes wrong... not that it will... } var regs : Registers; begin ExitProc := ExitSave; {Restore default exit proc} regs.ah := $11; case POINTS of {Select correct ROM font} 16: {Load 8 x 16 font} := 4; 8: {Load 8 x 8 font} := 2; else {Choose 8 x 14 - it's the safest} := 1; end; {case} := 0; intr($10,regs); end; {ResetFont} {*********** Main program } begin ExitSave := ExitProc; ExitProc := @ResetFont; ClrScr; DisplayBitMap; ReadKey; end.