{ COPYINC.PAS Author: Trevor J Carlsen PO Box 568 Port Hedland 6721 Western Australia SYNTAX: copyinc Filename where Filename is the name of a Text File you wish to create that will be used as an include File in a Turbo Pascal Program. This Program creates a Text File in the format Const RegStr ='This Program is an unregistered copy'; CodeStr = #125#34#139#139#74#71#94#61#44#78#65#155#158#132#62#136#141#140#84+ #34#155#63#38#46#89#84#93#57#153#51#83#112#72#36#138#93; keyval = 1234567890; The Text File that was used by COPYINC to create the above include File would have looked like this p:\prog\freeload.inc This Program is an unregistered copy RegStr = CodeStr = 1234567890 Here is another example. This was the include File - Const ChkStr : String ='This Program is registered to'; CodeChkStr : String = #32#153#90#34#133#140#42#129#150#50#81#36#83#36#133#154#52#76#75+ #129#45#93#77#44#83#149#157#71#95#225; keyval = 1234567890; and the Text File used by COPYINC - p:\prog\registed.inc This Program is registered to˙ ChkStr : String = CodeChkStr : String = 1234567890 The Text File must always consist of five lines that are 1. The name of the include File to be created. 2. The plain Text. 3. The name of the plain Text Constant along With its syntax. 4. The name and syntax of the coded Text Constant. 5. A key value. Any number in the LongInt range is valid. } Uses endecode; { my encryption Unit } Const hash = '#'; Var f : Text; params : Text; keyval : LongInt; notice, fname, CodeStr, CodeVar, PlainVar: String; x : Word; begin assign(params,ParamStr(1)); reset(params); readln(params,fname); readln(params,notice); readln(params,PlainVar); readln(params,CodeVar); readln(params,keyval); CodeStr := EncryptStr(keyval,notice); notice := ' '+ PlainVar + #39 + notice + #39#59; assign(f,fname); reWrite(f); Writeln(f,'Const'); Writeln(f,notice); Writeln(f,' ',CodeVar); Write(f,' '); For x := 1 to length(CodeStr) do begin if x mod 20 = 0 then begin Writeln(f,'+'); Write(f,' '); end; Write(f,'#',ord(CodeStr[x])); end; Writeln(f,';'); Writeln(f,' keyval = ',keyval,#59); Writeln(f); close(f); end.