{ ³ Is if possible For you to post a sample code on how to use xor to ³ encrypt a File??? I'm shifting ORD value around to do excryptions ³ and I think your method is better.. So I would like to learn it.. Sure, here's a simple example that reads a user-entered line and encrypts it using the xor method. By XOR-ing it again the line is decrypted. This won't keep NSA fooled For more than a few seconds, but so long as you keep the passWord hidden it should suffice. } Program Sample; Uses Crt; Const PassWord : Array[1..8] of Char = 'Sha Zamm'; Var PassBits : Array[1..8] of Byte Absolute PassWord; ALine : String[80]; LineBits : Array[0..80] of Byte Absolute ALine; I, J, K : Integer; begin WriteLn('Enter a line of Text to encrypt:'); ReadLn(ALine); J := 0; For I := 1 to Length(ALine) Do begin Inc(J); If J > 8 Then J := 1; LineBits[I] := LineBits[I] xor PassBits[J]; end; WriteLn('Encrypted: ',ALine); J := 0; For I := 1 to Length(ALine) Do begin Inc(J); If J > 8 Then J := 1; LineBits[I] := LineBits[I] xor PassBits[J]; end; WriteLn('Decrypted: ',ALine); end.