{ KEITH TYSINGER You can make an encoder that will scramble a string(s) that even YOU, the programmer couldn't unscramble without a password. They are many different ways to scramble a string; just be creative! One way is to swap every character with another character ( ex. swap every letter 'A' with the number '1') , a better way would use a password to scramble it. Here is a simple procedure that requires the password, the string to be scrammbled, and returns the scrambled string. The password should not exceed 20 characters in length. Forget about the messy code; I blame my word processor: } procedure encode(password, instring : string; var outstring : string); var len, pcounter, scounter : byte; begin len := length(password) div 2; scounter := 1; pcounter := 1; repeat outstring := outstring + chr(ord(password[pcounter]) + ord(instring[scounter]) + len); inc(scounter); inc(pcounter); if pcounter > length(password) then pcounter := 1; until scounter > length(instring); end; procedure decode(password, instring : string; var outstring : string); var len, pcounter, scounter : byte; begin len := length(password) div 2; scounter := 1; pcounter := 1; repeat outstring := outstring + chr(ord(instring[scounter]) - ord(password[pcounter]) - len); inc(scounter); inc(pcounter); if pcounter > length(password) then pcounter := 1; until scounter > length(instring); end; var password, original, scrambled, descrambled : string; begin original := 'Hello There!'; password := 'Eat my'; encode(password, original, scrambled); writeln('orig = ', original); writeln('scrm = ', scrambled); decode(password, scrambled, descrambled); writeln('dcod = ', descrambled); readln; end.