{ AUTHOR: Trevor J Carlsen Copyright 1992. All rights reserved. PO Box 568 Port Hedland WA 6721 Telephone (091) 73-2026 This program has been written to demonstrate the coding and decoding of a file. SYNTAX: codechal password1 password2 infile outfile All four parameters are required. The passwords are case sensitive. Whilst this program was written purely for the purposes of a challenge issued in the Oz Pascal echo, it would not be difficult to upgrade it to a commercial grade encryption/decryption utility - there several very simple changes to enhance the security of the cypher output. As written it will only encrypt or decrypt the first 4096 bytes of a file. If you wish to use the code here as a basis for a commercial product, contact the author for details. Some may scoff at its simplicity; I say; solve the challenge, then you will have the right to call it simple. You have the tools, this source code gives the full details of the encrypting/decrypting algorithm used. } const TextSize = 4096; type buff_type = array[1..TextSize] of byte; var encrypt : boolean; InFile, OutFile : file; c, BytesRead : word; b : byte; key : array[1..2] of buff_type; FileBuff : buff_type; password : array[1..2] of string; procedure Hash(p : pointer; numb : byte; var result: longint); { When originally called numb must be equal to sizeof } { whatever p is pointing at. If that is a string numb } { should be equal to length(the_string) and p should be } { ptr(seg(the_string),ofs(the_string)+1) } var temp, w : longint; x : byte; begin temp := longint(p^); RandSeed := temp; for x := 0 to (numb - 4) do begin w := random(maxint) * random(maxint) * random(maxint); temp := ((temp shr random(16)) shl random(16)) + w + MemL[seg(p^):ofs(p^)+x]; end; result := result xor temp; end; { Hash } procedure CreateKey; { Creates the "keys" that are used to xor with the data being encrypted } { decrypted. } var StrPtr : pointer; count,x : word; begin FillChar(key,sizeof(key),0); for x := 1 to 2 do begin StrPtr := ptr(Seg(password[x]),Ofs(password[x])+1); Hash(StrPtr,length(password[x]),RandSeed); for count := 1 to TextSize do key[x,count] := key[x,count] xor random(256); end; end; procedure Initialise; var st1,st2 : string[18]; begin writeln('CODECHAL - copyright 1992, Trevor Carlsen. All rights reserved.'); if ParamCount <> 4 then begin writeln('This program has been written to demonstrate the coding and deco writeln('of a file.'); writeln; writeln('SYNTAX: codechal password1 password2 infile outfile'); writeln; writeln('All four parameters are required.'); writeln('The passwords are case sensitive.'); writeln; halt; end; password[1] := ParamStr(1); password[2] := ParamStr(2); if (length(password[1]) < 8) or (length(password[2]) < 8) then begin writeln('Passwords must be at least 8 characters...aborting'); halt; end; {$I-} assign(InFile,Paramstr(3)); reset(InFile,1); assign(OutFile,Paramstr(4)); rewrite(OutFile,1); if IOResult <> 0 then begin writeln('I/O error opening files'); halt; end; BlockRead(InFile,FileBuff,TextSize,BytesRead); if IOResult <> 0 then begin writeln('I/O error reading file'); halt; end; end; procedure CodeDeCodeBuffer(var buffer: buff_type; c: word); var x: word; begin for x := 1 to BytesRead do buffer[x] := buffer[x] xor key[c,x]; end; begin Initialise; CreateKey; writeln('Working...wait'); for c := 1 to 2 do CodeDecodeBuffer(FileBuff,c); BlockWrite(OutFile,FileBuff,BytesRead); close(InFile); close(OutFile); end.