{ I want to let you see a program I made to criptate binary and text files... it just traslate ALL THE FILE of a bit to right, then adds the old extension to the start of the file, followed by a (eof) #26... try it and tell me what do you think! I you have something to suggest... i'm here!... for example how to add a password to coded files, how to increase the speed of the program and so on... Sorry for my english :-) } program NCode; {FREEWARE! 1996, Emidio Spinogatti (2:335/622.18@fidonet)} uses dos; var f1, f2: file of byte; DirInfo: SearchRec; P: PathStr; D: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; procedure code; const eofile:byte=26; var b, LByte, SByte: byte; ctrl_bit: boolean; begin writeln('CODIFICA IN CORSO...'); assign(f1, paramstr(1)); assign(f2, n+'.cod'); reset(f1); rewrite(f2); b:=ord(e[2]); LByte:=ord(e[3]); SByte:=ord(e[4]); write(f2, b, LByte, SByte, eofile); {INTESTAZIONE DEL FILE} {LEGGE L'ULTIMO BIT E LO SALVA IN CTRL_BIT} seek(f1, filesize(f1)-1); read(f1, b); if ((b or 1) = b) then ctrl_bit:=true else ctrl_bit:=false; {TORNA ALL'INIZIO DEL FILE} seek(f1, 0); repeat write(#13, round((filepos(f1)+1)/filesize(f1)*100), '%'); read(f1, LByte); if ctrl_bit then SByte:=128 else SByte:=0; if (LByte or 128)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+064; if (LByte or 064)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+032; if (LByte or 032)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+016; if (LByte or 016)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+008; if (LByte or 008)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+004; if (LByte or 004)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+002; if (LByte or 002)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+001; write(f2, SByte); if ((LByte or 1) = LByte) then ctrl_bit:=true else ctrl_bit:=false; until eof(f1); close(f2); close(f1); end; procedure decode; var Hold_Bit, Ctrl_Bit: boolean; LByte, b, SByte: byte; begin writeln('DECODIFICA IN CORSO...'); assign(f1, paramstr(1)); reset(f1); read(f1, LByte, b, SByte); {LETTURA INTESTAZIONE DEL FILE} e:='.'+chr(LByte)+chr(b)+chr(SByte); assign(f2, n+e); rewrite(f2); read(f1, LByte); {LETTURA EOF 4ø CARATTERE} read(f1, LByte); {PRIMO BYTE "SIGNIFICATIVO"} if ((LByte or 128)=LByte) Then Hold_Bit:=true {"CONSERVA" IL PRIMO BIT} else Hold_Bit:=false; SByte:=0; while not eof(f1) do begin write(#13, round((filepos(f1)+1)/filesize(f1)*100), '%'); read(f1, b); if ((b or 128)=b) then Ctrl_Bit:=true {CONSERVA IL PRIMO BIT DEL BYTE} else Ctrl_Bit:=false; {SUCCESSIVO} if Ctrl_Bit then SByte:=SByte+001; if (LByte or 001)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+002; if (LByte or 002)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+004; if (LByte or 004)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+008; if (LByte or 008)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+016; if (LByte or 016)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+032; if (LByte or 032)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+064; if (LByte or 064)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+128; write(f2, SByte); LByte:=b; SByte:=0; end; if Hold_Bit then SByte:=001; if (LByte or 001)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+002; if (LByte or 002)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+004; if (LByte or 004)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+008; if (LByte or 008)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+016; if (LByte or 016)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+032; if (LByte or 032)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+064; if (LByte or 064)=LByte then SByte:=SByte+128; write(f2, SByte); close(f1); close(f2); end; procedure guida; begin writeln(#13#10, 'Questo programma serve a codificare file binari e di testo.'); writeln(#13#10, ' (Codifica) NCODE '); writeln('(Decodifica) NCODE .COD'); end; function FileExists(FileName: String): Boolean; { Boolean function that returns True if the file exists;otherwise, it returns False. Closes the file if it exists. } var F: file; begin {$I-} Assign(F, FileName); FileMode := 0; { Set file access to read only } Reset(F); Close(F); {$I+} FileExists := (IOResult = 0) and (FileName <> ''); end; { FileExists } begin writeln('NCode 1.0 - Nogat Software 1996'); if paramcount<>1 then begin guida; exit end; {CONTROLLO} if not FileExists(paramstr(1)) then begin writeln('File inesistente.'); exit end; FindFirst(paramstr(1), Archive, DirInfo); { Same as DIR *.PAS } fsplit(dirinfo.name, d, n, e); {CONTROLLO} if ((e='.COD') or (e='.cod')) then decode else code; end.