Program EncryptMessageInsideExe; {This stupid program is useful to encrypt copyright messages into executables. Use: Run this program Input message and xor value Write encrypted string and xor value on a sheet If you declare the encrypted string as a var(string)/const you can decrypt it on-the-fly using XorIT with the same xor value In this way hackers (the lamest ones) can't see/modify your string} {Author: Salvatore Meschini - E-Mail: - WWW: . Please report bugs and suggestions} {This program if FREE, use it copy it think me :) } uses CRT; var s,xs:string; i,xv,c:word; f:text; Function XORIT(s:string):string; begin xs:=''; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin c:=ord(s[i]) xor xv; xs:=xs+chr(c); end; xorit:=xs; end; begin clrscr; write('Input string: '); readln(s); write('Input XOR Value: ');{Low values creates plain ASCII strings} readln(xv); clrscr; writeln(S); writeln(xorit(s)); writeln(xorit(xs)); {Safe Check} writeln; asm {Turns cursor off} XOR ax,ax MOV ax,$0100; MOV cx,$2607; INT $10 end; {IMPORTANT:} if paramcount > 0 then begin {If parameter isn't null you will have the encrypted message in a file, so ... cut and paste in your source (see below)!} assign(f,paramstr(1)); {^^^^^^^^^^^^} rewrite(f); write(f,xorit(s)); close(f); end; write('Now you can declare ''');textcolor(lightred);write(xorit(s));textcolor(7); write(''' as a const and decrypt it in execution time with xorit! (Remember XORVALUE='); textcolor(9);write(xv);textcolor(7);writeln(')');writeln; if paramcount <> 0 then write('I saved ',xorit(S),' in ');textcolor(10);writeln(paramstr(1)); readkey; end. {Example -------------------------------------------------------- Example} Program Demo; const hiddenmessage='-F,%Vdisdqjw`%H`vfmlkl'; {<- This is equal to: '(C) Salvatore Meschini' XORed by 5} xorvalue=5; {You can use your message and xorvalue} Function XORIT(s:string):string; var xs:string; xv,i,c:word; begin xs:=''; xv:=xorvalue; {<-- xv:=5} for i:=1 to length(s) do begin c:=ord(s[i]) xor xv; xs:=xs+chr(c); end; xorit:=xs; end; begin writeln(xorit(hiddenmessage)); {You DON'T HAVE (C) Salvatore Meschini in .exe but you CAN display it!!!} end.