{ > Could someone give me some Pascal source on how to do > this: > I have created a shield program that password-protects > a specific program. > However, I cannot figure out how to make the password, > when being typed by > the person entering the code, to make a * or other > character instead of the > letter, so someone can't see what he's typing. Any > help here? You have to read the chars without screen echo (using crt.readkey is easiest) and write a char to screen for each valid input char: } USES Crt; CONST CR = #13; { carriage return } TYPE TCharSet = SET OF Char; FUNCTION GetPwd(hide : Char; valid : TCharSet): String; { 'hide' is char to print. 'valid' is } { a set of valid characters for password } { dont put #13 in 'valid' } VAR ch : Char; pwd : String; BEGIN pwd := ''; REPEAT ch := Readkey; IF (ch IN valid) THEN BEGIN Write(hide); pwd := pwd + ch END ELSE IF (ch <> CR) THEN { bad key } IF (ch <> #0) THEN Write(^G) UNTIL (ch = CR); GetPwd := pwd END; VAR p : String; BEGIN Write('Enter password > '); p := GetPwd('*', ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9']); WriteLn; WriteLn('You entered: ', p); Readln END.