{ >This should do the job, but actually I'm interested in letting the text >appear in a seperate window, like dizman or something like that..... So >if you know anything about that, please respond..... Try something like this: } { Thanks to DJ, TeeCee, Charles Falconer, Mike Copeland, et al. for their help on this echo over the years ...... } {$A-,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R+,S+,T-,V+,X-,Y+} {$M 16384,0,0} uses crt, dos; function FileExists(name : string):boolean; { may not work with subdirs } var f : searchrec; begin findfirst(name, anyfile, f); FileExists:= (DOSerror = 0); end; procedure Compress(filespec : string); const stderr = 2; compressor : pathstr = 'lha.exe'; var outfilename : pathstr; outfile : text; OldStdErr : word; procedure DOSclose(handle : word); var regs : registers; begin with regs do begin bx:= handle; ah:= $3e; MsDos(regs); if (flags and fcarry) <> 0 then writeln('Error ',ax,'. Closing DOS handle ', handle); end; end; procedure dup_handle(oldhandle : word; var newhandle : word); var regs : registers; begin newhandle:= 0; with regs do begin bx:= oldhandle; ah:= $45; MsDos(regs); if (flags and fcarry) <> 0 then writeln('Error ',ax,'. Dup''ing DOS handle ', oldhandle) else newhandle:= ax; end; end; procedure force_dup(existing, second:word); var regs : registers; begin with regs do begin ah := $46; bx := existing; cx := second; msdos(regs); if (flags and fcarry) <> 0 then writeln('Error ',ax,'. Changing DOS handle ', existing,' to ', second); end; end; begin if not FileExists(compressor) then compressor:= FSearch(compressor, getenv('path')); if not FileExists(compressor) then begin write('File compressor not found. Press Enter to acknowledge...'); readln; halt; end; outfilename:= 'lha.log'; assign(outfile, outfilename); rewrite(outfile); dup_handle(StdErr, OldStdErr); { redirect stderr to outfile } force_dup(textrec(outfile).handle, stderr); swapvectors; exec(compressor, 'a squished '+ filespec); swapvectors; flush(outfile); if (DOSerror<>0) or (DOSexitcode<>0) then begin writeln('DOSerror=', DOSerror); writeln('DOSexitcode=',DOSexitcode); end; { restore stderr } force_dup(OldStdErr, stderr); DosClose(OldStdErr); close(outfile); end; begin clrscr; write(' File Archiving by: LHA version 2.13 Copyright (c) Yoshi 1988-1991.'); Compress('dowwndw.pas'); Readln; end.