(*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Heap management procedures, by Keld R. Hansen º º From SWAG, in the "EXEC" section. º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ EXECUTE shrinks your program's memory allocation to the smallest possible value, runs the specified program, and then expands the memory allocation again. Tested with Turbo Pascal 6.0 and 7.0, and Borland Pascal 7.0. Usage: Put HeapMan in your USES clause, and call Execute instead of Exec. Notice: Do NOT SwapVectors, since HeapMan.Execute does it for you. WARNING: DOS.DosExitCode will no longer be valid. Instead, query Heapman.DosExitCode after calling HeapMan.Execute. ________________________________________________________________________*) {$N-,E- no math support needed} {$X- function calls may not be discarded} {$I- disable I/O checking (trap errors by checking IOResult)} {$S- no stack checking code [routine will fail without this directive!]} Unit HeapMan; Interface USES DOS; VAR DosExitCode: WORD; PROCEDURE SetHeapManDosExitCode; PROCEDURE ReallocateMemory(P : POINTER); FUNCTION EXECUTE(Name : PathStr ; Tail : STRING) : WORD; Implementation PROCEDURE SetHeapManDosExitCode; BEGIN HeapMan.DosExitCode := DOS.DosExitCode; END; PROCEDURE ReSetHeapManDosExitCode; BEGIN HeapMan.DosExitCode := 0; END; PROCEDURE ReallocateMemory(P : POINTER); ASSEMBLER; ASM MOV AX, PrefixSeg MOV ES, AX MOV BX, WORD PTR P+2 CMP WORD PTR P,0 JE @OK INC BX @OK: SUB BX, AX MOV AH, 4Ah INT 21h JC @X LES DI, P MOV WORD PTR HeapEnd,DI MOV WORD PTR HeapEnd+2,ES @X: END; FUNCTION EXECUTE(Name : PathStr ; Tail : STRING) : WORD; ASSEMBLER; ASM {$IFDEF CPU386} DB 66h PUSH WORD PTR HeapEnd DB 66h PUSH WORD PTR Name DB 66h PUSH WORD PTR Tail DB 66h PUSH WORD PTR HeapPtr {$ELSE} PUSH WORD PTR HeapEnd+2 PUSH WORD PTR HeapEnd PUSH WORD PTR Name+2 PUSH WORD PTR Name PUSH WORD PTR Tail+2 PUSH WORD PTR Tail PUSH WORD PTR HeapPtr+2 PUSH WORD PTR HeapPtr {$ENDIF} CALL ResetHeapManDosExitCode; CALL ReallocateMemory CALL SwapVectors CALL DOS.EXEC CALL SwapVectors CALL ReallocateMemory CALL SetHeapManDosExitCode MOV AX, DosError OR AX, AX JNZ @OUT MOV AH, 4Dh INT 21h @OUT: END; END.