SECTION 7 - DOS Programming This document contains information that is most often provided to users of this section. There is a listing of common Technical Information Documents that can be downloaded from the libraries, and a listing of the five most frequently asked questions and their answers. TI1184 Overview of Borland Pascal 7.0 and Turbo Pascal 7.0 TI1722 Declaring an array on the heap TI1760 Creating a temporary stack in real or protected mode TI1171 Problem Report Form TI1719 Booting Clean LC2P01.FAQ Linking C to Pascal Frequently Asked Questions EZDPMI.ZIP Unit encapsulating common DPMI requests for protected mode programming BIGSTU.PAS How to cope with memory allocations > 64K PASALL.ZIP Collection of Technical Information Sheets from 1986 on NEWRTM.ZIP Latest RMT.EXE and DPMI16BI.OVL MOUSE.ZIP General purpose mouse unit for text/graphic modes Q. "How do I link an object file that is a library of functions created in C?" A. Download the file "LC2P01.FAQ. The C run-time library is needed by the object file. Since Pascal can't link the C RTL as is, you will need the RTL source and will need to modify it so that it can be linked by TP. Q. "How do I get the ASCII key numbers for the Arrow keys?" A. Below is a short program that reveals this information. program DisplayAscii; uses Crt; var ch:char; begin repeat { repeat until Ctrl-C } ch := Readkey; Write(Ord(CH):4); until ch = ^C; end. The program can be terminated by pressing Ctrl-C. You'll see that keypresses such as UpArrow actually generated two bytes: a zero followed by the extended key code. Q. "Why do I get runtime error 4 while using the following line: reset(InFile)?" A. The error message means that you have run out of file handles. The FILES= statement in your CONFIG.SYS doesn't change the fact that a process can, by default, open a maximum of 20 files (and DOS grabs 5 of those). The SetHandleCount() API function can be used to increase the number of handles useable by your application. Q. "I am using overlays with BP7 with Objects. If Overlay A calls a procedure or function in Overlay B, does Overlay A stay in memory while Overlay B runs? Or does Overlay B wipe out Overlay A, and when Overlay B finishes, it reloads Overlay A?" A. It depends on the size of the overlays and the size of the overlay buffer you set up. In general you can think of the overlay buffer as a pool of memory where overlaid units can be stored. Every time you call a routine in an overlaid unit, that overlay is loaded into the buffer. If the buffer is already full, then the oldest unit in the buffer is discarded to make room for the new one. If you've got a small overlay buffer and large overlaid units, they may well kick each other out as they load. If you've got a large overlay buffer the program may well keep everything in memory the entire time. Q. "I am getting DosError = 8 when using EXEC() to execute a program from within my program. How do I correct this?" A. DosError = 8 means that there is not enough memory available to run the program being EXEC'ed. Normally your program grabs all available memory and doesn't leave any for the program being EXEC'ed. Be sure to use the $M directive which minimizes the memory required by your program. Q. "I am getting DosError = 2 when using EXEC() to copy a file from one directory to another. The file does exist and the command line is correct. What is the problem?" A. You might have assumed that because COMMAND.COM is on your path, EXEC will find it. Nope. EXEC needs the full path name. You can use GetEnv('COMSPEC') to get the value of the environment variable COMSPEC which should be the full path.