{$A+,B-,D-,E+,F-,I-,L-,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-} Unit BMSrch; Interface Type Btable = Array[0..255] of Byte; Procedure BMMakeTable(Var s; Var t : Btable); Function BMSearch(Var buff; size : Word; Bt: Btable; Var st): Word; Function BMSearchUC(Var buff; size : Word; Bt: Btable; Var st): Word; Implementation Procedure BMMakeTable(Var s; Var t : Btable); { Makes a Boyer-Moore search table. s = the search String t = the table } Var st : Btable Absolute s; slen: Byte Absolute s; x : Byte; begin FillChar(t,sizeof(t),slen); For x := slen downto 1 do if (t[st[x]] = slen) then t[st[x]] := slen - x end; Function BMSearch(Var buff; size : Word; Bt: Btable; Var st): Word; { Not quite a standard Boyer-Moore algorithm search routine } { To use: pass buff as a dereferenced Pointer to the buffer} { st is the String being searched For } { size is the size of the buffer } { If st is not found, returns $ffff } Var buffer : Array[0..65519] of Byte Absolute buff; s : Array[0..255] of Byte Absolute st; len : Byte Absolute st; s1 : String Absolute st; s2 : String; numb, x : Word; found : Boolean; begin s2[0] := chr(len); { sets the length to that of the search String } found := False; numb := pred(len); While (not found) and (numb < (size - len)) do begin if buffer[numb] = ord(s1[len]) then { partial match } begin if buffer[numb-pred(len)] = ord(s1[1]) then { less partial! } begin move(buffer[numb-pred(len)],s2[1],len); found := s1 = s2; { if = it is a complete match } BMSearch := numb - pred(len); { will stick unless not found } end; inc(numb); { bump by one Char - match is irrelevant } end else inc(numb,Bt[buffer[numb]]); end; if not found then BMSearch := $ffff; end; { BMSearch } Function BMSearchUC(Var buff; size : Word; Bt: Btable; Var st): Word; { Not quite a standard Boyer-Moore algorithm search routine } { To use: pass buff as a dereferenced Pointer to the buffer} { st is the String being searched For } { size is the size of the buffer } { If st is not found, returns $ffff } Var buffer : Array[0..65519] of Byte Absolute buff; chbuff : Array[0..65519] of Char Absolute buff; s : Array[0..255] of Byte Absolute st; len : Byte Absolute st; s1 : String Absolute st; s2 : String; numb, x : Word; found : Boolean; begin s2[0] := chr(len); { sets the length to that of the search String } found := False; numb := pred(len); While (not found) and (numb < (size - len)) do begin if UpCase(chbuff[numb]) = s1[len] then { partial match } begin if UpCase(chbuff[numb-pred(len)]) = s1[1] then { less partial! } begin move(buffer[numb-pred(len)],s2[1],len); For x := 1 to length(s2) do s2[x] := UpCase(s2[x]); found := s1 = s2; { if = it is a complete match } BMSearchUC := numb - pred(len); { will stick unless not found } end; inc(numb); { bump by one Char - match is irrelevant } end else inc(numb,Bt[ord(UpCase(chbuff[numb]))]); end; if not found then BMSearchUC := $ffff; end; { BMSearchUC } end.