Program Chge; { Copyright 1990 Trevor J Carlsen Version 1.06 24-07-90 } { This Program may be used and distributed as if it was in the Public Domain} { With the following exceptions: } { 1. If you alter it in any way, the copyright notice must not be } { changed. } { 2. If you use code excerpts in your own Programs, due credit must be } { given, along With a copyright notice - } { "Parts Copyright 1990 Trevor J Carlsen" } { 3. No Charge may be made For any Program using code from this Program.} { Changes (or deletes) a String in any File. If an .EXE or .COM File then } { the change must be of a similar length inorder to retain the executable } { integrity. } { If you find this Program useful here is the author's contact address - } { Trevor J Carlsen } { PO Box 568 } { Port Hedland Western Australia 6721 } { Voice 61 [0]91 72 2026 } { Data 61 [0]91 72 2569 } Uses BmSrch, Dos; Const space = #32; quote = #34; comma = #44; copyright1 = 'CHGE - version 1.06 Copyright 1989,1990 Trevor Carlsen'; copyright2 = 'All rights reserved.'; Var dirinfo : SearchRec; { Dos } f : File; FDir : DirStr; { Dos } mask, fname, oldstr, newstr : String; oldlen : Byte Absolute oldstr; newlen : Byte Absolute newstr; changes : Word; time : LongInt Absolute $0000:$046C; start : LongInt; Function ElapsedTime(start : LongInt): Real; begin ElapsedTime := (time - start) / 18.2; end; { ElapsedTime } Procedure ReportError(e : Byte); begin Writeln('CHGE [path]Filename searchstr replacementstr|NUL'); Writeln(' eg: CHGE c:\autoexec.bat "color" "colour"'); Writeln(' CHGE c:\autoexec.bat 12 13,10,13,10,13,10,13,10'); Writeln(' CHGE c:\wp\test.txt "Trevor" NUL'); Writeln; Writeln('The first example will change every occurrence of the Word "color" to "colour"'); Writeln('The second will replace every formfeed Character (ascii 12) With 4 sets of'); Writeln('carriage return/linefeed combinations and the third will delete every'); Writeln('occurrence of "Trevor"'); Writeln('The prime requirements are:'); Writeln(' There MUST always be exactly three space delimiters on the command line -'); Writeln(' one between the Program name and the Filename, one between the Filename and'); Writeln(' the search String and another between the search String and the replacement'); Writeln(' String. Any other spaces may ONLY occur between quote Characters.'); Writeln(' The Program will not permit you to change the length of an .EXE or .COM File,'); Writeln(' therefore the replacement String MUST be the same length as the String'); Writeln(' that it is replacing in these cases.'); Writeln; Writeln(' If using ascii codes, each ascii Character must be separated from another'); Writeln(' by a comma. The same rule applies to spaces as above - three required - no'); Writeln(' more - no less. If just deleting the NUL must not be in quotes.'); halt(e); end; { ReportError } Function StUpCase(Str : String) : String; Var Count : Integer; begin For Count := 1 to Length(Str) do Str[Count] := UpCase(Str[Count]); StUpCase := Str; end; Procedure ParseCommandLine; Var parstr, { contains the command line } temp : String; len : Byte Absolute parstr; { the length Byte For parstr } tlen : Byte Absolute temp; { the length Byte For temp } CommaPos, QuotePos, SpacePos, chval : Byte; error : Integer; DName : NameStr; DExt : ExtStr; Function right(Var s; n : Byte): String;{ Returns the n right portion of s } Var st : String Absolute s; len: Byte Absolute s; begin if n >= len then right := st else right := copy(st,succ(len)-n,n); end; { right } begin parstr := String(ptr(PrefixSeg,$80)^); { Get the command line } if parstr[1] = space then delete(parstr,1,1); { First Character is usually a space } SpacePos := pos(space,parstr); if SpacePos = 0 then { No spaces } ReportError(1); mask := StUpCase(copy(parstr,1,pred(SpacePos))); FSplit(mask,Fdir,DName,DExt); { To enable the directory to be kept } delete(parstr,1,SpacePos); QuotePos := pos(quote,parstr); if QuotePos <> 0 then begin { quotes - so must be quoted Text } if parstr[1] <> quote then { so first Char must be quote } ReportError(2); delete(parstr,1,1); { get rid of the first quote } QuotePos := pos(quote,parstr); { and find the next quote } if QuotePos = 0 then { no more - so it is an error } ReportError(3); oldstr := copy(parstr,1,pred(QuotePos));{ search String now defined } if parstr[QuotePos+1] <> space then { must be space between } ReportError(1); delete(parstr,1,succ(QuotePos)); { the quotes - else error } if parstr[1] <> quote then begin { may be a delete } tlen := 3; move(parstr[1],temp[1],3); if temp <> 'NUL' then { is not a delete } ReportError(4) { must be quote after space or NUL } else newlen := 0; { is a delete - so nul the replacement } end else begin delete(parstr,1,1); { get rid of the quote } QuotePos := pos(quote,parstr); { find next quote For end of String } if QuotePos = 0 then { None? - then error } ReportError(5); newstr := copy(parstr,1,pred(QuotePos));{ Replacement String defined } end; end else begin { must be using ascii codes } oldlen := 0; SpacePos := pos(space,parstr); { Find end of search Characters } if SpacePos = 0 then { No space - so error } ReportError(6); temp := copy(parstr,1,SpacePos-1); delete(parstr,1,SpacePos); { get rid of the search Characters } CommaPos := pos(comma,temp); { find first comma } if CommaPos = 0 then { No comma - so only one ascii code } CommaPos := succ(tlen); Repeat { create the search String } val(copy(temp,1,CommaPos-1),chval,error); { convert to a numeral and } if error <> 0 then { if there is an error bomb out } ReportError(7); inc(oldlen); oldstr[oldlen] := Char(chval);{ add latest Char to the search String } delete(temp,1,CommaPos); CommaPos := pos(comma,temp); if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := succ(tlen); Until tlen = 0; newlen := 0; CommaPos := pos(comma,parstr); if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := succ(len); Repeat { create the replacement String } val(copy(parstr,1,pred(CommaPos)),chval,error); if error <> 0 then { must be ascii code } ReportError(8); inc(newlen); newstr[newlen] := Char(chval); delete(parstr,1,CommaPos); CommaPos := pos(comma,parstr); if CommaPos = 0 then CommaPos := len+1; Until len = 0; end; { else } if ((right(mask,3) = 'COM') or (right(mask,3) = 'EXE')) and (newlen <> oldlen) then ReportError(16); end; { ParseCommandLine } Function OpenFile(fn : String): Boolean; begin assign(f,fn); {$I-} reset(f,1); {$I+} OpenFile := IOResult = 0; end; { OpenFile } Procedure CloseFile; begin {$I-} truncate(f); Close(f); if IOResult <> 0 then; { dummy call to IOResult } {$I+} end; { CloseFile } Procedure ChangeFile(Var chge : Word); Const bufflen = 65000; { This is the limit For BMSearch } searchlen = bufflen - 1000; { Allow space For extra Characters in } Type { the replacement String } buffer = Array[0..pred(bufflen)] of Byte; buffptr = ^buffer; Var table : BTable; { Boyer-Moore search table } old, { Pointer to old buffer } nu : buffptr; { Pointer to new buffer } count, result, oldpos, newpos : Word; oldfpos, newfpos : LongInt; finished : Boolean; Procedure AllocateMemory(Var p; size : Word); Var buff : Pointer Absolute p; begin if MaxAvail >= size then GetMem(buff,size) else begin Writeln('Insufficient memory available.'); halt(10); end; end; { AllocateMemory } begin oldfpos := 0; newfpos := 0; chge := 0; AllocateMemory(old,searchlen); AllocateMemory(nu,bufflen); { make room on the heap For the buffers } BMMakeTable(oldstr,table); { Create a Boyer-Moore search table } {$I-} BlockRead(f,old^,searchlen,result); { Fill old buffer } oldfpos := FilePos(f); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then begin CloseFile; ReportError(11); end; Repeat oldpos := 0; newpos := 0; count := 0; finished := (result < searchlen); { if buffer<>full then no more reads } Repeat { Do a BM search For search String } count := BMSearch(old^[oldpos],result-oldpos,table,oldstr); if count = $FFFF then begin { search String not found so copy rest } move(old^[oldpos],nu^[newpos],result-oldpos); { of buffer to new } inc(newpos,result-oldpos); { buffer and update the buffer markers } inc(oldpos,result-oldpos); end else begin { search String found } if count <> 0 then begin { not at position one in the buffer } move(old^[oldpos],nu^[newpos],count);{ transfer everything prior } inc(oldpos,count); { to the search String to new buffer } inc(newpos,count); { and update the buffer markers } end; move(newstr[1],nu^[newpos],newlen); { copy the replacement String } inc(oldpos,oldlen); { to the new buffer and update the buffer } inc(newpos,newlen); { markers } inc(chge); end; Until oldpos >= result; { keep going Until end of buffer } if not finished then begin { Fill 'er up again For another round } {$I-} seek(f,oldfpos); BlockRead(f,old^,searchlen,result); oldfpos := FilePos(f); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then begin CloseFile; ReportError(13); end; { if IOResult } end; { if not finished } {$I-} seek(f,newfpos); BlockWrite(f,nu^,newpos); { Write new buffer to File } newfpos := FilePos(f); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then begin CloseFile; ReportError(12); end; Until finished; FreeMem(old, searchlen); FreeMem(nu,bufflen); end; { ChangeFiles } Procedure Find_and_change_all_Files; Var Filefound : Boolean; Function padstr(ch : Char; len : Byte): String; Var temp : String; begin FillChar(temp[1],len,ch); temp[0] := chr(len); padstr := temp; end; { padstr } begin Filefound := False; FindFirst(mask,AnyFile,dirinfo); While DosError = 0 do begin Filefound := True; start := time; fname := FDir +; if OpenFile(fname) then begin Write(fname,PadStr(space,30-length(fname)),FileSize(f):7,' '); ChangeFile(changes); CloseFile; if changes = 0 then Writeln else Writeln('Made ',changes,' changes in ',ElapsedTime(start):4:2,' seconds.') end else Writeln('Unable to process ',fname); FindNext(dirinfo); end; { While DosError = 0 } if not Filefound then Writeln('No Files found.'); end; { Find_and_change_all_Files } begin { main } Writeln(copyright1); Writeln(copyright2); ParseCommandLine; Find_and_change_all_Files; end.