Hi, Andy: ...Just for fun I also threw together a "PosSearch" routine that uses the built-in TP "POS" function. It actually performs better than I thought it would, as it takes a string longer than 15 characters before it starts to become slower than the Boyer- Moore function I just posted. (ie: PosSearch is faster than the Boyer-Moore routine for strings that are smaller than 16 chars) Here's a demo program of the "PosSearch" search routine I put together. *Remember* to turn-off "range-checking" {$R-} in your finished program, otherwise the PosSearch will take longer than it should to execute. (* Public-domain Search routine, using the standard TP *) (* POS function. Guy McLoughlin - May 1, 1993. *) program DemoPosSearch; (***** PosSearch function. Returns 0 if string is not found. *) (* Returns 65,535 if BufferSize is too large. *) (* ie: Greater than 65,520 bytes. *) (* *) function PosSearch({input } var Buffer; BuffSize : word; Pattern : string) : {output} word; type arwo_2 = array[1..2] of word; arch_255 = array[1..255] of char; var po_Buffer : ^arch_255; by_Temp, by_IncSize : byte; wo_Index : word; begin if (BuffSize > 65520) then begin PosSearch := $FFFF; exit end; wo_Index := 0; by_IncSize := (255 - pred(length(Pattern))); po_Buffer := addr(Buffer); repeat by_Temp := pos(Pattern, po_Buffer^); if (by_Temp = 0) then begin inc(wo_Index, by_IncSize); inc(arwo_2(po_Buffer)[1], by_IncSize) end else inc(wo_Index, by_Temp) until (by_Temp <> 0) or (wo_Index > BuffSize); if (by_Temp = 0) then PosSearch := 0 else PosSearch := wo_Index end; (* PosSearch. *) type arby_64K = array[1..65520] of byte; var Index : word; st_Temp : string[20]; Buffer : ^arby_64K; BEGIN new(Buffer); fillchar(Buffer^, sizeof(Buffer^), 0); st_Temp := '12345678901234567890'; move(st_Temp[1], Buffer^[65501], length(st_Temp)); Index := PosSearch(Buffer^, sizeof(Buffer^), st_Temp); writeln(st_Temp, ' found at offset ', Index) END. - Guy --- þ DeLuxeý/386 1.25 #5060 þ * Rose Media, Toronto, Canada : 416-733-2285 * PostLink(tm) v1.04 ROSE (#1047) : RelayNet(tm)