{ RANDY PARKER I've been playing With using the Absolute address $A000:0000 to do direct video Writes in Graphics mode and was wondering if someone could tell me how to get colors. I use an Array of [1..NumOfBits]. NumOfBits being the number of bits the current Graphic page Uses when it stores it's information. The following is an example of what I mean: } Program UseFastGraf; Uses Graph; Type View = Array [1..19200] of Word; Var I, GraphDriver, GraphMode : Integer; View1 : View Absolute $A000:0000; View2 : View; begin GraphDriver := Detect; InitGraph(GraphDriver, GraphMode, 'e:\bp\bgi'); For I := 1 to 1000 Do begin SetColor(Random(GetMaxColor)); Line(Random(GetMaxX), Random(GetMaxY), Random(GetMaxX), GetMaxY); end; View2 := View1; SetColor(15); OutTextXY(100, 100, 'Press Enter To Continue : '); Readln; ClearDevice; OutTextXY(100, 100, 'Press Enter To See The Previous Screen'); Readln; View1 := View2; Readln; end.