{ > Can you post the gif source and any other graphic source for doing this Here is gif format (it doesn't get to full 768ú1024ú256) or even less, but it is ok. } {$R-}{$S-}{$B-} program GIF4TP; uses crt, GRAPH; const ProgramName = 'TP4GIF'; ProgramRevision = '2'; type BufferArray = array[0..63999] of byte; BufferPointer = ^BufferArray; var GifFile : file of BufferArray; InputFileName : string; RawBytes : BufferPointer; { The heap array to hold it, raw } Buffer : BufferPointer; { The Buffer data stream, unblocked } Buffer2 : BufferPointer; { More Buffer data stream if needed } Byteoffset, { Computed byte position in Buffer array } BitIndex { Bit offset of next code in Buffer array } : longint; Width, {Read from GIF header, image width} Height, { ditto, image height} LeftOfs, { ditto, image offset from left} TopOfs, { ditto, image offset from top} RWidth, { ditto, Buffer width} RHeight, { ditto, Buffer height} ClearCode, {GIF clear code} EOFCode, {GIF end-of-information code} OutCount, {Decompressor output 'stack count'} MaxCode, {Decompressor limiting value for current code size} CurCode, {Decompressor variable} OldCode, {Decompressor variable} InCode, {Decompressor variable} FirstFree, {First free code, generated per GIF spec} FreeCode, {Decompressor, next free slot in hash table} RawIndex, {Array pointers used during file read} BufferPtr, XC,YC, {Screen X and Y coords of current pixel} ReadMask, {Code AND mask for current code size} I {Loop counter, what else?} :word; Interlace, {true if interlaced image} AnotherBuffer, {true if file > 64000 bytes} ColorMap {true if colormap present} : boolean; ch : char; a, {Utility} Resolution, {Resolution, read from GIF header} BitsPerPixel, {Bits per pixel, read from GIF header} Background, {Background color, read from GIF header} ColorMapSize, {Length of color map, from GIF header} CodeSize, {Code size, read from GIF header} InitCodeSize, {Starting code size, used during Clear} FinChar, {Decompressor variable} Pass, {Used by video output if interlaced pic} BitMask, {AND mask for data size} R,G,B :byte; {The hash table used by the decompressor} Prefix: array[0..4095] of word; Suffix: array[0..4095] of byte; {An output array used by the decompressor} PixelValue : array[0..1024] of byte; {The color map, read from the GIF header} Red,Green,Blue: array [0..255] of byte; MyPalette : PaletteType; TempString : String; Const MaxCodes: Array [0..9] of Word = (4,8,16,$20,$40,$80,$100,$200,$400,$800); CodeMask:Array [1..4] of byte= (1,3,7,15); PowersOf2: Array [0..8] of word=(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256); Masks: Array [0..9] of integer = (7,15,$1f,$3f,$7f,$ff,$1ff,$3ff,$7ff,$fff); BufferSize : Word = 64000; function NewExtension(FileName,Extension : string) : string; { Places a new extension on to the file name. } var I : integer; begin if (Extension[1] = '.') then delete(Extension,1,1); delete(Extension,4,251); I := pos('.',FileName); if (I = 0) then begin while (length(FileName) > 0) and (FileName[length(FileName)] = ' ') do delete(FileName,length(FileName),1); NewExtension := FileName + '.' + Extension; end else begin delete(FileName,I + 1,254 - I); NewExtension := FileName + Extension; end; end; { NewExtension } function Min(I,J : longint) : longint; begin if (I < J) then Min := I else Min := J; end; { Min } procedure AllocMem(var P : BufferPointer); var ASize : longint; begin ASize := MaxAvail; if (ASize < BufferSize) then begin Textmode(15); writeln('Insufficient memory available!'); halt; end else getmem(P,BufferSize); end; { AllocMem } function Getbyte : byte; begin if (RawIndex >= BufferSize) then exit; Getbyte := RawBytes^[RawIndex]; inc(RawIndex); end; function Getword : word; var W : word; begin if (succ(RawIndex) >= BufferSize) then exit; move(RawBytes^[RawIndex],W,2); inc(RawIndex,2); Getword := W; end; { GetWord } procedure ReadBuffer; var BlockLength : byte; I,IOR : integer; begin BufferPtr := 0; Repeat BlockLength := Getbyte; For I := 0 to Blocklength-1 do begin if RawIndex = BufferSize then begin {$I-} Read (GIFFile,RawBytes^); {$I+} IOR := IOResult; RawIndex := 0; end; if not AnotherBuffer then Buffer^[BufferPtr] := Getbyte else Buffer2^[BufferPtr] := Getbyte; BufferPtr := Succ (BufferPtr); if BufferPtr=BufferSize then begin AnotherBuffer := true; BufferPtr := 0; AllocMem (Buffer2); end; end; Until Blocklength=0; end; { ReadBuffer } procedure InitEGA; var Driver,Mode : integer; begin DetectGraph(Driver,Mode); InitGraph(Driver,Mode,'e:\bp\bgi'); SetAllPalette(MyPalette); if (Background <> 0) then begin SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Background); bar(0,0,Width,Height); end; end; { InitEGA } procedure DetColor(var PValue : byte; MapValue : Byte); { Determine the palette value corresponding to the GIF colormap intensity value. } var Local : byte; begin PValue := MapValue div 64; if (PValue = 1) then PValue := 2 else if (PValue = 2) then PValue := 1; end; { DetColor } procedure Init; var I : integer; begin XC := 0; {X and Y screen coords back to home} YC := 0; Pass := 0; {Interlace pass counter back to 0} BitIndex := 0; {Point to the start of the Buffer data stream} RawIndex := 0; {Mock file read pointer back to 0} AnotherBuffer := false; {Over 64000 flag off} AllocMem(Buffer); AllocMem(RawBytes); InputFileName := NewExtension(InputFileName,'GIF'); {$I-} Assign(giffile,InputFileName); Reset(giffile); I := IOResult; if (I <> 0) then begin textmode(15); writeln('Error opening file ',InputFileName,'. Press any key '); readln; halt; end; read(GIFFile,RawBytes^); I := IOResult; {$I+} end; { Init } procedure ReadGifHeader; var I : integer; begin TempString := ''; for I := 1 to 6 do TempString := TempString + chr(Getbyte); if (TempString <> 'GIF87a') then begin textmode(15); writeln('Not a GIF file, or header read error. Press enter.'); readln; halt; end; { Get variables from the GIF screen descriptor } RWidth := Getword; {The Buffer width and height} RHeight := Getword; { Get the packed byte immediately following and decode it } B := Getbyte; Colormap := (B and $80 = $80); Resolution := B and $70 shr 5 + 1; BitsPerPixel := B and 7 + 1; ColorMapSize := 1 shl BitsPerPixel; BitMask := CodeMask[BitsPerPixel]; Background := Getbyte; B := Getbyte; {Skip byte of 0's} { Compute size of colormap, and read in the global one if there. Compute values to be used when we set up the EGA palette } MyPalette.Size := Min(ColorMapSize,16); if Colormap then begin for I := 0 to pred(ColorMapSize) do begin Red[I] := Getbyte; Green[I] := Getbyte; Blue[I] := Getbyte; DetColor(R,Red[I]); DetColor(G,Green [I]); DetColor(B,Blue [I]); MyPalette.Colors[I] := B and 1 + ( 2 * (G and 1)) + ( 4 * (R and 1)) + (8 * (B div 2)) + (16 * (G div 2)) + (32 * (R div 2)); end; end; { Now read in values from the image descriptor } B := Getbyte; {skip image seperator} Leftofs := Getword; Topofs := Getword; Width := Getword; Height := Getword; A := Getbyte; Interlace := (A and $40 = $40); if Interlace then begin textmode(15); writeln(ProgramName,' is unable to display interlaced GIF pictures.'); halt; end; end; { ReadGifHeader } procedure PrepDecompressor; begin Codesize := Getbyte; ClearCode := PowersOf2[Codesize]; EOFCode := ClearCode + 1; FirstFree := ClearCode + 2; FreeCode := FirstFree; inc(Codesize); { since zero means one... } InitCodeSize := Codesize; Maxcode := Maxcodes[Codesize - 2]; ReadMask := Masks[Codesize - 3]; end; { PrepDecompressor } procedure DisplayGIF; { Decompress and display the GIF data. } var Code : word; procedure DoClear; begin CodeSize := InitCodeSize; MaxCode := MaxCodes[CodeSize-2]; FreeCode := FirstFree; ReadMask := Masks[CodeSize-3]; end; { DoClear } procedure ReadCode; var Raw : longint; begin if (CodeSize >= 8) then begin move(Buffer^[BitIndex shr 3],Raw,3); Code := (Raw shr (BitIndex mod 8)) and ReadMask; end else begin move(Buffer^[BitIndex shr 3],Code,2); Code := (Code shr (BitIndex mod 8)) and ReadMask; end; if AnotherBuffer then begin ByteOffset := BitIndex shr 3; if (ByteOffset >= 63000) then begin move(Buffer^[Byteoffset],Buffer^[0],BufferSize-Byteoffset); move(Buffer2^[0],Buffer^[BufferSize-Byteoffset],63000); BitIndex := BitIndex mod 8; FreeMem(Buffer2,BufferSize); end; end; BitIndex := BitIndex + CodeSize; end; { ReadCode } procedure OutputPixel(Color : byte); begin putpixel(XC,YC,Color); { about 3x faster than using the DOS interrupt! } inc(XC); if (XC = Width) then begin XC := 0; inc(YC); if (YC mod 10 = 0) and keypressed and (readkey = #27) then begin textmode(15); { let the user bail out } halt; end; end; end; { OutputPixel } begin { DisplayGIF } CurCode := 0; { not initted anywhere else... don't know why } OldCode := 0; { not initted anywhere else... don't know why } FinChar := 0; { not initted anywhere else... don't know why } OutCount := 0; DoClear; { not initted anywhere else... don't know why } repeat ReadCode; if (Code <> EOFCode) then begin if (Code = ClearCode) then begin { restart decompressor } DoClear; ReadCode; CurCode := Code; OldCode := Code; FinChar := Code and BitMask; OutputPixel(FinChar); end else begin { must be data: save same as CurCode and InCode } CurCode := Code; InCode := Code; { if >= FreeCode, not in hash table yet; repeat the last character decoded } if (Code >= FreeCode) then begin CurCode := OldCode; PixelValue[OutCount] := FinChar; inc(OutCount); end; { Unless this code is raw data, pursue the chain pointed to by CurCode through the hash table to its end; each code in the chain puts its associated output code on the output queue. } if (CurCode > BitMask) then repeat PixelValue[OutCount] := Suffix[CurCode]; inc(OutCount); CurCode := Prefix[CurCode]; until (CurCode <= BitMask); { The last code in the chain is raw data. } FinChar := CurCode and BitMask; PixelValue[OutCount] := FinChar; inc(OutCount); { Output the pixels. They're stacked Last In First Out. } for I := pred(OutCount) downto 0 do OutputPixel(PixelValue[I]); OutCount := 0; { Build the hash table on-the-fly. } Prefix[FreeCode] := OldCode; Suffix[FreeCode] := FinChar; OldCode := InCode; { Point to the next slot in the table. If we exceed the current MaxCode value, increment the code size unless it's already 12. if it is, do nothing: the next code decompressed better be CLEAR } inc(FreeCode); if (FreeCode >= MaxCode) then begin if (CodeSize < 12) then begin inc(CodeSize); MaxCode := MaxCode * 2; ReadMask := Masks[CodeSize - 3]; end; end; end; {not Clear} end; {not EOFCode} until (Code = EOFCode); end; { DisplayGIF } begin { TP4GIF } writeln(ProgramName,' Rev ',ProgramRevision); if (paramcount > 0) then TempString := paramstr(1) else begin write(' > '); readln(TempString); end; InputFileName := TempString; Init; ReadGifHeader; PrepDecompressor; ReadBuffer; FreeMem(RawBytes,BufferSize); InitEGA; DisplayGIF; SetAllPalette(MyPalette); close(GifFile); Ch := readkey; textmode(15); freemem(Buffer,BufferSize); { totally pointless, but it's good form } end.