{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a PD source that I came across not too long ago.. It displays a simulation of flames or fire.. Its pretty good.. } {* credit were given, however. If you have any improvements, *} {* find any bugs etc. mail me at mackey@aqueous.ml.csiro.au *} {* with MARK: in the subject header. *} {* *} {*************************************************************************} uses crt; type bigarr=array[0..102,0..159] of integer; var f:bigarr; i,j,k,l:word; delta:integer; pal:array[0..255,1..3] of byte; ch:char; procedure setmode13; assembler; asm mov ax,13h int 10h end; procedure setpalette; var mapfile:text; i,j:integer; begin assign(mapfile,'flames5.map'); {kludgy, but it works!} reset(mapfile); for i:=0 to 255 do for j:=1 to 3 do begin read(mapfile,pal[i,j]); pal[i,j]:=pal[i,j] shr 2; end; asm mov si,offset pal mov cx,768 {no of colour registers} mov dx,03c8h xor al,al {First colour to change pal for = 0} out dx,al inc dx @1: outsb dec cx {safer than rep outsb} jnz @1 end; end; begin setmode13; setpalette; randomize; ch:=' '; for i:=0 to 102 do for j:=0 to 159 do f[i,j]:=0; {initialise array} repeat asm {move lines up, averaging} mov cx,16159; {no. elements to change} mov di,offset f add di,320 {di points to 1st element of f in upper row (320 bytes/row)} @1: mov ax,ds:[di-2] add ax,ds:[di] add ax,ds:[di+2] add ax,ds:[di+320] shr ax,2 {divide by 4: average 4 elements of f} jz @2 sub ax,1 @2: mov word ptr ds:[di-320],ax add di,2 dec cx jnz @1 {faster than _loop_ on 486} end; for j:=0 to 159 do {set new bottom line} --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: *THE K-W AMATEUR RADIO BBS-(VE3MTS)* ->DS16.8<- (1:221/177) =========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 12-02-93 (17:42) Number: 46962 From: FIASAL JUMA Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Fire Conf: (1221) F-PASCAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a PD source that I came across a while ago.. It simulates flames or fire.. its pretty good source.. program flames; {**************************************************************************} {* *} {* FLAMES by M.D.Mackey (C) 1993 *} {* This code released into the public domain. It may be freely *} {* used, distributed and modified. I would appreciate it if *} {* credit were given, however. If you have any improvements, *} {* find any bugs etc. mail me at mackey@aqueous.ml.csiro.au *} {* with MARK: in the subject header. *} {* *} {**************************************************************************} uses crt; Const pal : array [1..768] of Byte =( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 40, 8, 0, 40, 16, 0, 36, 24, 0, 36, 32, 0, 32, 40, 0, 28, 48, 0, 28, 56, 0, 24, 64, 0, 20, 72, 0, 20, 80, 0, 16, 88, 0, 16, 96, 0, 12, 104, 0, 8,112, 0, 8,120, 0, 4,128, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0,132, 0, 0,136, 0, 0,140, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0,144, 0, 0,148, 0, 0,152, 0, 0, 156, 0, 0,160, 0, 0,160, 0, 0,164, 0, 0, 168, 0, 0,172, 0, 0,176, 0, 0,180, 0, 0, 184, 4, 0,188, 4, 0,192, 8, 0,196, 8, 0, 200, 12, 0,204, 12, 0,208, 16, 0,212, 16, 0, 216, 20, 0,220, 20, 0,224, 24, 0,228, 24, 0, 232, 28, 0,236, 28, 0,240, 32, 0,244, 32, 0, 252, 36, 0,252, 36, 0,252, 40, 0,252, 40, 0, 252, 44, 0,252, 44, 0,252, 48, 0,252, 48, 0, 252, 52, 0,252, 52, 0,252, 56, 0,252, 56, 0, 252, 60, 0,252, 60, 0,252, 64, 0,252, 64, 0, 252, 68, 0,252, 68, 0,252, 72, 0,252, 72, 0, 252, 76, 0,252, 76, 0,252, 80, 0,252, 80, 0, 252, 84, 0,252, 84, 0,252, 88, 0,252, 88, 0, 252, 92, 0,252, 96, 0,252, 96, 0,252,100, 0, 252,100, 0,252,104, 0,252,104, 0,252,108, 0, 252,108, 0,252,112, 0,252,112, 0,252,116, 0, 252,116, 0,252,120, 0,252,120, 0,252,124, 0, 252,124, 0,252,128, 0,252,128, 0,252,132, 0, 252,132, 0,252,136, 0,252, 136, 0,252, 140, 0, 252, 140, 0,252, 144, 0,252, 144, 0,252, 148, 0, 252, 152, 0,252, 152, 0,252, 156, 0,252, 156, 0, 252, 160, 0,252, 160, 0,252, 164, 0,252, 164, 0, 252, 168, 0,252, 168, 0,252, 172, 0,252, 172, 0, 252, 176, 0,252, 176, 0,252, 180, 0,252, 180, 0, 252, 184, 0,252, 184, 0,252, 188, 0,252, 188, 0, 252, 192, 0,252, 192, 0,252, 196, 0,252, 196, 0, 252, 200, 0,252, 200, 0,252, 204, 0,252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0,252, 208, 0,252, 208, 0,252, 208, 0, 252, 212, 0,252, 212, 0,252, 212, 0,252, 212, 0, 252, 216, 0,252, 216, 0,252, 216, 0,252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0,252, 220, 0,252, 220, 0,252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0,252, 224, 0,252, 224, 0,252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0,252, 228, 0,252, 228, 0,252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0,252, 228, 0,252, 232, 0,252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0,252, 232, 0,252, 236, 0,252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0,252, 236, 0,252, 240, 0,252, 240, 0, --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: *THE K-W AMATEUR RADIO BBS-(VE3MTS)* ->DS16.8<- (1:221/177) =========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 12-02-93 (17:45) Number: 46963 From: FIASAL JUMA Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Fire II Conf: (1221) F-PASCAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue..... 252, 244, 0,252, 244, 0,252, 244, 0,252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0,252, 248, 0,252, 248, 0,252, 252, 0, 252, 252, 4,252, 252, 8,252, 252, 12,252, 252, 16, 252, 252, 20,252, 252, 24,252, 252, 28,252, 252, 32, 252, 252, 36,252, 252, 40,252, 252, 40,252, 252, 44, 252, 252, 48,252, 252, 52,252, 252, 56,252, 252, 60, 252, 252, 64,252, 252, 68,252, 252, 72,252, 252, 76, 252, 252, 80,252, 252, 84,252, 252, 84,252, 252, 88, 252, 252, 92,252, 252, 96,252, 252, 100,252, 252, 104, 252, 252, 108,252, 252, 112,252, 252, 116,252, 252, 120, 252, 252, 124,252, 252, 124,252, 252, 128,252, 252, 132, 252, 252, 136,252, 252, 140,252, 252, 144,252, 252, 148, 252, 252, 152,252, 252, 156,252, 252, 160,252, 252, 164, 252, 252, 168,252, 252, 168,252, 252, 172,252, 252, 176, 252, 252, 180,252, 252, 184,252, 252, 188,252, 252, 192, 252, 252, 196,252, 252, 200,252, 252, 204,252, 252, 208, 252, 252, 208,252, 252, 212,252, 252, 216,252, 252, 220, 252, 252, 224,252, 252, 228,252, 252, 232,252, 252, 236, 252, 252, 240,252, 252, 244,252, 252, 248,252, 252, 252); type bigarr=array[0..102,0..159] of integer; var f:bigarr; i,j,k,l:word; delta:integer; pal:array[0..255,1..3] of byte; ch:char; procedure setmode13; assembler; asm mov ax,13h int 10h end; procedure setpalette; var mapfile:text; i,j:integer; begin for j:=1 to 768 do begin pal[j]:=pal[j] shr 2; end; asm mov si,offset pal mov cx,768 mov dx,03c8h xor al,al out dx,al inc dx @1: outsb dec cx jnz @1 end; end; begin setmode13; setpalette; randomize; ch:=' '; for i:=0 to 102 do for j:=0 to 159 do f[i,j]:=0; {initialise array} repeat asm {move lines up, averaging} mov cx,16159; {no. elements to change} mov di,offset f add di,320 {di points to 1st element of f in upper row (320 bytes/row)} @1: mov ax,ds:[di-2] add ax,ds:[di] add ax,ds:[di+2] add ax,ds:[di+320] shr ax,2 {divide by 4: average 4 elements of f} jz @2 sub ax,1 @2: mov word ptr ds:[di-320],ax add di,2 dec cx jnz @1 {faster than _loop_ on 486} end; for j:=0 to 159 do {set new bottom line} begin if random<0.4 then delta:=random(2)*255; f[101,j]:=delta; f[102,j]:=delta; end; --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: *THE K-W AMATEUR RADIO BBS-(VE3MTS)* ->DS16.8<- (1:221/177) =========================================================================== BBS: Canada Remote Systems Date: 12-02-93 (17:47) Number: 46964 From: FIASAL JUMA Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Fire III Conf: (1221) F-PASCAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue.. asm {output to screen} mov si,offset f mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax mov di,0 mov dx,100 @3: mov bx,2 @2: mov cx,160 @1: mov al,[si] mov ah,al mov es:[di],ax {word aligned write to display mem} add di,2 add si,2 dec cx jnz @1 sub si,320 dec bx jnz @2 add si,320 dec dx jnz @3 end; if keypressed then ch:=readkey; until ch=#27; asm {restore text mode} mov ax,03h int 10h end; end. There is a million things you can do to modify that code to look better or run faster.. Making it work in modex is one good possibility and its not that hard.. later