{ Here's an example of one of the possibilities mode-q offers. Of course the same can be done in any other mode, too... Well, just check it out. To Jens and the other carefull ones: keep being carefull (read the text). >--- cut here } {$define cpu386} program creditscroll; { Made by Bas van Gaalen, Holland, PD } uses crt,umodeq; const vseg:word=$a000; fseg=$f000; fofs=$fa6e; lines=45; txt:array[0..lines-1] of string[30]=( {.........|.........|.........|} 'This is a credits-scroll', 'in mode-q: 256x256x256.', 'That''s a chained mode, with', 'a lineair addressing sceme.', 'The graphics-screen is', 'initialized in the unit', 'umodeq. It''s enclosed in the', 'next message (I hope).','','', 'and so the credits go to','','', '...Bas van Gaalen...','','', 'Btw: this is quite lame:', 'not even a hardware-scroll!', 'But it''s just to show the', 'nice overscan-mode...','', 'Uuuhm, can someone supply', 'some shit, to fill up this', 'text?','', 'Oyeah, before I forget,', 'mode-q is a tweaked mode,', 'and it plays a bit with the', 'VGA-registers!', 'So again: I won''t take any', 'responsebilty for this code!', 'It works fine on my ET-4000.','','','', 'Gayle, place this in the SWAG', 'if you like...','','','','','','','',''); procedure retrace; assembler; asm mov dx,3dah; @vert1: in al,dx; test al,8; jz @vert1 @vert2: in al,dx; test al,8; jnz @vert2; end; procedure moveup; assembler; asm push ds; mov es,vseg; mov ds,vseg; xor di,di; mov si,0100h {$ifdef cpu386} mov cx,255*256/4; db $66; rep movsw {$else} mov cx,255*256/2; rep movsw {$endif} pop ds; end; var i,j,slidx,txtidx:byte; begin setmodeq; txtidx:=0; slidx:=0; repeat retrace; for i:=1 to length(txt[txtidx]) do for j:=0 to 7 do if ((mem[fseg:fofs+ord(txt[txtidx][i])*8+slidx] shl j) and 128)<>0 then mem[vseg:$fe00+i*8+(256-8*length(txt[txtidx])) div 2+j]:=32+txtidx+slidx+j; moveup; slidx:=(1+slidx) mod 8; if slidx=0 then txtidx:=(1+txtidx) mod lines; until keypressed; inittxt; end. { UNIT NEEDED BY SCROLLER !! } { Original by Robert Schmidt in C, converted to Pas by Bas van Gaalen, fido: 2:285/213.8, email: bas.van.gaalen@schotman.nl, Holland, Aug. '94, PD } unit umodeq; interface const vidseg:word=$a000; procedure setpal(col,r,g,b : byte); procedure initvga; { not public } procedure inittxt; procedure openregs; { not public } procedure closeregs; { not public } procedure setmodeq; implementation type twrec=record reg:word; func,data:byte; end; twarr=array[0..22] of twrec; const tweak:twarr=( (reg:$03d4; func:$00; data:$5f), { hor. total } (reg:$03d4; func:$01; data:$3f), { hor. display enable end } (reg:$03d4; func:$02; data:$40), { blank start } (reg:$03d4; func:$03; data:$82), { blank end } (reg:$03d4; func:$04; data:$4e), { retrace start } (reg:$03d4; func:$05; data:$9a), { retrace end } (reg:$03d4; func:$06; data:$23), { vertical total } (reg:$03d4; func:$07; data:$b2), { overflow register } (reg:$03d4; func:$08; data:$00), { preset row scan } (reg:$03d4; func:$09; data:$61), { max scan line/char heigth } (reg:$03d4; func:$10; data:$0a), { ver. retrace start } (reg:$03d4; func:$11; data:$ac), { ver. retrace end } (reg:$03d4; func:$12; data:$ff), { ver. display enable end } (reg:$03d4; func:$13; data:$20), { offset/logical width } (reg:$03d4; func:$14; data:$40), { underlinde location } (reg:$03d4; func:$15; data:$07), { ver. blank start } (reg:$03d4; func:$16; data:$17), { ver. blank end } (reg:$03d4; func:$17; data:$a3), { mode control } (reg:$03c4; func:$01; data:$01), { clock mode register } (reg:$03c4; func:$04; data:$0e), { memory mode register } (reg:$03ce; func:$05; data:$40), { mode register } (reg:$03ce; func:$06; data:$05), { misc. register } (reg:$03c0; func:$10; data:$41) { mode control } ); procedure setpal(col,r,g,b : byte); assembler; asm mov dx,03c8h; mov al,col; out dx,al; inc dx; mov al,r; out dx,al mov al,g; out dx,al; mov al,b; out dx,al; end; procedure initvga; assembler; asm mov ax,13h; int 10h; end; procedure inittxt; assembler; asm mov ax,3; int 10h; end; procedure openregs; assembler; asm mov dx,03d4h; mov al,11h; out dx,al; inc dx; in al,dx; and al,7fh mov ah,al; mov al,11h; dec dx; out dx,ax; end; procedure closeregs; assembler; asm mov dx,03d4h; mov al,11h; out dx,al; inc dx; in al,dx; or al,80h mov ah,al; mov al,11h; dec dx; out dx,ax; end; procedure setmodeq; var i:byte; begin initvga; openregs; for i:=0 to 22 do with tweak[i] do begin if reg<>$03c0 then port[reg]:=func else port[reg]:=func+32; port[reg+1]:=data; end; closeregs; end; {var x,y:byte; begin setmodeq; for x:=0 to 255 do setpal(x,x div 4,x div 5,x div 6); for x:=0 to 255 do for y:=0 to 255 do mem[vidseg:y*256+x]:=(x+y) mod 255; readln; inittxt;} end.