Program Frac3d1; { The only problem with this program is that i didn't optimize it, so you should have at least a pentium (or a fast 486) to run it; however, i did use 32-bit instructions, so it can't be run on 8086's or 8088's at all. Runs in 320x200x256 Features: A double buffer 32-Bit moves and fills Weak color layering and palette changing 3D graphics (using slow Real numbers) 3D fractal A pretty fast polygon statement Programmed by Ryan Jones ( } Uses CRT; Const ZInc = 25; ZOfs = 256; ZScale = 256; Sc = 0.7; Red = 0; Green = 1; Blue = 2; Type Palette = Array[0..255, Red..Blue] Of Byte; ABType = Record LSide, RSide : Integer; End; Triangle = Record X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3 : Real; Color : Byte; End; Var Segment, Ofset : Word; { Double Buffer info } Tris : Array[0..100] Of Triangle; { Triangle info } Trin, { # of triangles } l, n, hn : Word; { fractal stuff } db : Pointer; { Double Buffer } Ch : Char; Procedure SetScreenPtr(Var Ptr); { lets Poly know where to do its stuff } Begin Segment := Seg(Ptr); Ofset := Ofs(Ptr); End; Procedure SetVideoMode( N : Byte ); Assembler; { sets the video mode } Asm MOV AH, 0 MOV AL, N INT $10 End; Procedure Credit; { lets you know who made it } Var St : String; n : Word; Begin SetVideoMode($03); Textcolor(15); Textbackground(0); St := 'Qsphsbnnfe!cz!Szbo!Kpoft/'; n := 1; Repeat St[n] := Chr(Ord(St[n]) - 1); n := n + 1; Until n > Length(St); Writeln(St); Textcolor(7); WriteLn; End; Procedure DisplayPalette(P : Palette; First, Last : Word); Assembler; { updates palette } Asm CLI PUSH DS PUSH SI LDS SI, P MOV CX, First ADD SI, CX ADD SI, CX ADD SI, CX MOV AX, Last SUB AX, First INC AX MOV CX, AX SHL CX, 1 ADD CX, AX MOV AX, First MOV DX, $3C8 OUT DX, AL INC DX REP OUTSB POP SI POP DS STI End; Procedure Fill(Var A; L : Word; B : Byte); Assembler; { similar to FillChar } Asm CLI CLD LES DI, A MOV CX, L MOV AL, BYTE PTR B REP STOSB STI End; Procedure FillDW(Var A; L : Word; Dw : LongInt); Assembler; { similar to FillChar, except uses Double Words } Asm CLI CLD LES DI, A MOV CX, L DB $66; MOV AX, WORD PTR Dw DB $66; REP STOSW STI End; Procedure MoveDW(Var A, B; L : Word); Assembler; { similar to Move, except uses Double Words } Asm CLI CLD PUSH DS LDS SI, A LES DI, B MOV CX, L DB $66; REP MOVSW POP DS STI End; Procedure Poly(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, c1 : Integer); { draws a Polygon or Triangle } Type ScrType = Array[0..199, 0..319] Of Byte; Var Xa : Array[0..199] Of ABType; x, y, dx : LongInt; L, R : Integer; Scr : ^ScrType; c : Byte; Procedure CalcSideX(x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer); Var t : Integer; Begin If y1 = y2 Then Begin If (y1 >= 0) And (y1 <= 199) Then Begin If (x1 < Xa[y1].LSide) Then Xa[y1].LSide := x1; If (x1 > Xa[y1].RSide) Then Xa[y1].RSide := x1; If (x2 < Xa[y1].LSide) Then Xa[y1].LSide := x2; If (x2 > Xa[y1].RSide) Then Xa[y1].RSide := x2; End; Exit; End; If y1 > y2 Then Begin t := x1; x1 := x2; x2 := t; t := y1; y1 := y2; y2 := t; End; dx := LongInt(x2 - x1) SHL 16 DIV (y2-y1); y := y1; x := LongInt(x1) SHL 16; repeat If (y >= 0) And (y <= 199) Then Begin If (Integer(x SHR 16) < Xa[y].LSide) Then Xa[y].LSide := x SHR 16; If (Integer(x SHR 16) > Xa[y].RSide) Then Xa[y].RSide := x SHR 16; End; x := x + dx; y := y + 1; until y > y2; End; Begin Scr := Ptr(Segment, Ofset); FillDW(Xa[0], 200, $80007FFF); CalcSideX(x1, y1, x2, y2); CalcSideX(x2, y2, x3, y3); CalcSideX(x3, y3, x4, y4); CalcSideX(x4, y4, x1, y1); c := c1; y := 0; repeat L := Xa[y].LSide; R := Xa[y].RSide; If L < 0 Then L := 0; If R > 319 Then R := 319; { If Not ((L > 319) Or (R < 0)) Then Fill(Scr^[y, L], (R-L)+1, c);} If Not ((L > 319) Or (R < 0)) Then Asm MOV AX, Segment MOV ES, AX MOV AX, WORD PTR y XCHG AH, AL MOV BX, AX SHR AX, 1 SHR AX, 1 ADD BX, AX ADD BX, WORD PTR L ADD BX, Ofset MOV CX, WORD PTR R SUB CX, WORD PTR L INC CX MOV DX, c1 @L1: ADD ES:[BX], DL INC BX LOOP @L1 End; y := y + 1; until y > 199; End; Procedure AddTris(n : Word); Var OX1, OY1, OZ1, OX2, OY2, OZ2, OX3, OY3, OZ3 : Real; OC : Byte; Begin With Tris[n] Do Begin OX1 := X1; OY1 := Y1; OZ1 := Z1; OX2 := X2; OY2 := Y2; OZ2 := Z2; OX3 := X3; OY3 := Y3; OZ3 := Z3; OC := Color + 24; End; With Tris[Trin] Do Begin X1 := OX1; Y1 := OY1; Z1 := OZ1+ZInc; X2 := OX1*2/3+OX2/3; Y2 := OY1*2/3+OY2/3; Z2 := OZ2+ZInc; X3 := OX1*2/3+OX3/3; Y3 := OY1*2/3+OY3/3; Z3 := OZ3+ZInc; Color := OC; End; With Tris[Trin+1] Do Begin X1 := OX2*2/3+OX1/3; Y1 := OY2*2/3+OY1/3; Z1 := OZ1+ZInc; X2 := OX2; Y2 := OY2; Z2 := OZ2+ZInc; X3 := OX2*2/3+OX3/3; Y3 := OY2*2/3+OY3/3; Z3 := OZ3+ZInc; Color := OC; End; With Tris[Trin+2] Do Begin X1 := OX3*2/3+OX1/3; Y1 := OY3*2/3+OY1/3; Z1 := OZ1+ZInc; X2 := OX3*2/3+OX2/3; Y2 := OY3*2/3+OY2/3; Z2 := OZ2+ZInc; X3 := OX3; Y3 := OY3; Z3 := OZ3+ZInc; Color := OC; End; Trin := Trin + 3; End; Procedure DrawTris; Var SX1, SY1, SX2, SY2, SX3, SY3, n : Word; Begin SetScreenPtr(db^); FillDW(db^, 16000, $00000000); n := 0; Repeat With Tris[n] Do Begin SX1 := Round((ZScale*X1)/(Z1-ZOfs)); SY1 := Round((ZScale*Y1)/(Z1-ZOfs)); SX2 := Round((ZScale*X2)/(Z2-ZOfs)); SY2 := Round((ZScale*Y2)/(Z2-ZOfs)); SX3 := Round((ZScale*X3)/(Z3-ZOfs)); SY3 := Round((ZScale*Y3)/(Z3-ZOfs)); Poly(160+SX1, 100+SY1, 160+SX2, 100+SY2, 160+SX3, 100+SY3, 160+SX1, 100+SY1, Color); End; n := n + 1; Until n = Trin; MoveDW(db^, Ptr($A000, 0)^, 16000); End; Procedure Rotate(Var X, Y, ang : Real); Var XX, YY : Real; Begin XX := X*Cos(ang)+Y*Sin(ang); YY := Y*Cos(ang)-X*Sin(ang); X := XX; Y := YY; End; Procedure RotateTris(ang : Real); Var n : Word; Begin n := 0; Repeat With Tris[n] Do Begin Rotate(X1, Z1, ang); Rotate(X2, Z2, ang); Rotate(X3, Z3, ang); End; n := n + 1; Until n = Trin; End; Procedure RotateTrisb(ang : Real); Var n : Word; Begin n := 0; Repeat With Tris[n] Do Begin Rotate(X1, Y1, ang); Rotate(X2, Y2, ang); Rotate(X3, Y3, ang); End; n := n + 1; Until n = Trin; End; Procedure RotateTrisc(ang : Real); Var n : Word; Begin n := 0; Repeat With Tris[n] Do Begin Rotate(Y1, Z1, ang); Rotate(Y2, Z2, ang); Rotate(Y3, Z3, ang); End; n := n + 1; Until n = Trin; End; Procedure ExpandTris; Const Scd = 0.95; Var n : Word; Begin n := 0; Repeat With Tris[n] Do Begin X1 := X1 * Scd; Y1 := Y1 * Scd; X2 := X2 * Scd; Y2 := Y2 * Scd; X3 := X3 * Scd; Y3 := Y3 * Scd; End; n := n + 1; Until n = Trin; End; Procedure Pal; { sets up my palette } Var P : Palette; n : Word; Begin n := 0; repeat P[n, Red] := n div 4; P[n, Green] := 0; P[n, Blue] := n div 6+21; n := n + 1; until n = 256; DisplayPalette(P, 1, 255); End; Begin SetVideoMode($13); Pal; GetMem(db, 64000); With Tris[0] Do Begin X1 := 0; Y1 := 86; Z1 := 0; X2 := 100; Y2 := -86; Z2 := 0; X3 := -100; Y3 := -86; Z3 := 0; X1 := X1 * Sc; Y1 := Y1 * Sc; Z1 := Z1 * Sc; X2 := X2 * Sc; Y2 := Y2 * Sc; Z2 := Z2 * Sc; X3 := X3 * Sc; Y3 := Y3 * Sc; Z3 := Z3 * Sc; Color := 24; End; Trin := 1; l := 3; Repeat n := hn; hn := Trin; Repeat AddTris(n); n := n + 1; Until n = hn; l := l - 1; Until l = 0; Tris[0].Color := 24; Repeat { main loop } n := 0; Repeat DrawTris; RotateTris(Pi/72); n := n + 1; Until KeyPressed Or (n = 144); n := 0; Repeat DrawTris; RotateTrisb(Pi/72); n := n + 1; Until KeyPressed Or (n = 144); n := 0; Repeat DrawTris; RotateTrisc(Pi/72); n := n + 1; Until KeyPressed Or (n = 144); Until KeyPressed; Repeat Ch := ReadKey Until Not KeyPressed; n := 150; Repeat { outro } DrawTris; ExpandTris; RotateTris(Pi/72); RotateTrisb(Pi/72); RotateTrisc(Pi/72); n := n - 1; Until (n = 0) Or KeyPressed; If KeyPressed Then Repeat Ch := ReadKey Until Not KeyPressed; SetVideoMode($03); Credit; End.