{ > Hi I am looking For some help on use 2 monitors at the same time... 1 > is mono and the other is vga. I would like to just post a certain > screen on the mono and leave the vga like normal.. VGA Text mode memory begins at $b800, VGA Graphics memory at $A000, and MDA/Herc memory begins at $b000. If you plan on running Text and Text, try something like this: } Type WhichMonitor = (MDA, VGA); Procedure ChangeCel (Row, Column, Foreground, Background, Character : Byte; Which : WhichMonitor); Var Point : Word; begin If Which = MDA then Point := $b000 else Point := $b800; MemW[Point : (Row - 1) * 160 + Col * 2] := (Foreground + Background * 16) * 256 + Character; end; { Of course, there are more optimized ways to do this, but this should portray the basic concept. Herc Graphics and VGA Graphics would be done in much the same manner, but I don't have an Herc With my VGA to check it. }