{ ¯ Does anyone know how to get the hard drive type(s) from CMOS ? ¯ I can't seem to find this information documented anywhere. This is probably a lot more than you are asking for but. . . NOTE: one function (Long2Str) is not defined in this because it comes from a commercial unit. Basically all it does is convert a number to a string and return the string. This code comes from a unit I wrote to get all kinds of niffty information about your system. I think I included everything you will need to get it up and running. If you get any strange problems or ones you can't seem to resolve, let me know and I'll see if I can pass you the right information. } Uses KMath, Dos; type String80 = String[80]; { some general purpose string types } String40 = String[40]; String30 = String[30]; String20 = String[20]; String12 = String[12]; String10 = String[10]; String5 = String[5]; CMOSRec = Record Found : Boolean; { was a CMOS found to exist } CmosDate : String30; { the date found in CMOS } CmosTime : String30; { the time found in CMOS } VideoType : String10; { Type of video found in CMOS } Coproc : Boolean; { does CMOS report a math coprocessor } FloppyA : String12; { type of floppy drive for A } FloppyB : String12; { Type of floppy drive for B } Hard0 : Byte; { Type of hard drive for drive 0 } Hard1 : Byte; { Type of hard drive for Drive 1 } ConvenRam : Word; { amount of conventional ram indicated } ExtendRam : Word; { amount of extended Ram indicated } checkSum : Boolean; { Did checksum pass } end; { CMOS Rec } const { values of constants for CMOS } DayName: array[0..7] of string[9] = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'); MonthName: array[0..12] of string[9] = ('???', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); ScreenName: array[0..3] of string[10] = ('EGA/VGA', 'CGA 40col', 'CGA 80col', 'Monochrome'); FloppyName: array[0..5] of string[11] = ('none', '5.25" 360K', '5.25" 1.2M', '3.5" 720K', '3.5" 1.44M', '3.5" 2.88M'); CMOSport : Byte = $70; { port to access the CMOS } {===========================================================================} VAR Regs : Registers; { General purpose variable to access registers } CMOS : CMOSRec; { variable to hold CMOS data } function nocarry : boolean; { returns the status of the carry flag } begin nocarry:=regs.flags and fcarry = $0000 end; {nocarry} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function ByteToWord(ByteA, ByteB : byte) : word; begin ByteToWord := Word(ByteB) shl 8 + ByteA end; {cbw} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function BitIsSet(CheckWord : Word; AndValue : Word) : Boolean; { returns true if the bit(s) indicated in AndValue are set in CheckByte } BEGIN BitIsSet := CheckWord AND AndValue = AndValue; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function ReadCMOS(addr: byte): byte; { read a value from the CMOS } Begin if CMOSport = $70 then begin inline($FA); Port[CMOSport] := addr; readCMOS := Port[CMOSport + 1]; inline($FB) end end; {readCMOS} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} function addzero(b: byte): string5; var c2: string[2]; begin Str(b:0, c2); if b < 10 then c2:='0' + c2; addzero:=c2 end; {addzero} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function ChangeBCD(b: byte): byte; { change a BCD into a byte structure } Begin ChangeBCD:=(b and $0F) + ((b shr 4) * 10) end; {ChangeBCD} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetCMOSDate : String30; { gets the date found in the CMOS and returns it in string format } VAR Date, Century, Year, Month : Byte; WorkStr : String30; BEGIN WorkStr := ''; date := ChangeBCD(readCMOS(7)); century := ChangeBCD(readCMOS($32)); year := ChangeBCD(readCMOS(9)); month := ChangeBCD(readCMOS(8)); WorkStr := DayName[readCMOS(6)]+', '; {case country.DateFormat of 0, 3..255 :} WorkStr := WorkStr + Monthname[month]+' '+IntToStr(date)+', '+IntToStr(century)+addzero(year); { 1 : WorkStr := WorkStr + Long2Str(date)+', '+Monthname[month]+' '+Long2Str(century)+addzero(Year); 2 : WorkStr := WorkStr + Long2Str(century)+addzero(Year)+', '+Monthname[month]+' '+Long2Str(date); end; {case} GetCMosDate := workStr; end; { GetCMOSDate } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetCmosTime : String30; { returns the time as found in the CMOS } VAR CH : Char; Hour, Min, Sec : Byte; WorkStr : String30; IsPM : Boolean; BEGIN workStr := ''; hour := ChangeBCD(readCMOS(4)); min := ChangeBCD(readCMOS(2)); sec := ChangeBCD(readCMOS(0)); IsPm := false; case hour of 0: hour := 12; 1..11: hour := hour; 12: IsPM := true; 13..23: begin IsPM := true; hour := hour - 12 end; end; {case} WorkStr := WorkStr + AddZero(hour)+':'+addzero(min)+':'+addzero(sec); if IsPM then workStr := WorkStr + ' PM' Else WorkStr := WorkStr + ' AM'; GetCMOSTime := WorkStr; end; { GetCmosTime } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetCmosCheckSum : Boolean; { performs checksum on CMOS and returns true if ok } VAR CheckSum1, CheckSum2 : word; Count : Byte; BEGIN checksum1 := 0; for count := $10 to $2D do Inc(checksum1, readCMOS(count)); checksum2 := (word(256) * readCMOS($2E)) + readCMOS($2F); if checksum1 = checksum2 then GetCmosCheckSum := true else GetCmosCheckSum := false; end; { GetCmosCheckSum } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetCMos; { gets the cmos record if it exist } VAR Floppy : Byte; BEGIN FillChar(CMOS, SizeOf(CMos), 0); regs.AH:=$C0; Intr($15, regs); if nocarry or (Mem[$F000:$FFFE] <= $FC) then With CMOS DO begin Found := true; CMOSDate := GetCMOSDate; CMOSTime := GetCmosTime; VideoType := ScreenName[(readCMOS($14) shr 4) and 3]; CoProc := BitIsSet(readCMOS($14), 2); Floppy := readCMOS($10); if (Floppy shr 4) < 5 then FloppyA := FloppyName[floppy shr 4] else FloppyA := 'Unknown '+ Byte2Hex(floppy shr 4); if (floppy and $0F) < 5 then FloppyB := FloppyName[floppy and $0F] else FloppyB := 'Unknown '+ Byte2Hex(floppy and $0F); Hard0 := readCMOS($12); Hard0 := Hard0 shr 4; Hard1 := ReadCmos($12); Hard1 := Hard1 and $0F; if Hard0 = $F then Hard0 := readCMOS($19) Else Hard0 := $FF; { error } if Hard1 = $F then Hard1 := readCMOS($1A) Else Hard1 := $FF; ConvenRam := word(256) * readCMOS($16) + readCMOS($15); { value in K } ExtendRam := word(256) * readCMOS($18) + readCMOS($17); { value in K } CheckSum := GetCmosCheckSum; end else CMOS.Found := false; end; begin GetCmos; Writeln(CMOS.Found); Writeln(CMOS.CmosDate); Writeln(CMOS.CmosTime); Writeln(CMOS.VideoType); Writeln(CMOS.Coproc); Writeln(CMOS.FloppyA); Writeln(CMOS.FloppyB); Writeln(CMOS.Hard0); Writeln(CMOS.Hard1); Writeln(CMOS.ConvenRam); Writeln(CMOS.ExtendRam); Writeln(CMOS.checkSum); end.