{ SE>I have Borland Pascal 7.0 and I ran acrost the idea of 286 and 8088 code SE>specs in a program. How can you detect for a 286 CPU and if present, SE>switch $G to $G+ ? There should be a program somewhere in your TP disks that has a routine that detects whether or not a 286+ CPU is pressent. Unfortunately you can't have it change the status of $G. It's either on or off. You can either leave it on , detect CPU type, if its the wrong type leave a mesage and abort the program or not use the $G directive at all. Here is a simple CPU detection routine in case you can't find the one I mentioned: } CONST CPU :ARRAY[0..3] Of STRING[13] =('8088/V20','80286', '80386/80486','80486'); FUNCTION CpuType :WORD; ASSEMBLER; { Returns a value depending on the type of CPU } { 0 = 8088/V20 or compatible } { 1 = 80286 2 = 80386/80486+ } ASM Xor DX,DX { Clear DX } Push DX PopF { Clear Flags } PushF Pop AX { Load Cleared Flags } And AX,$0F000 { Check hi bits for F0h } Cmp AX,$0F000 Je @Quit { Quit if 8088 } Inc DX Mov AX,$0F000 { Now Check For 80286 } Push AX PopF PushF Pop AX And AX,$0F000 { If The top 4 bits aren't set } Jz @Quit { Its a 80286+ } Inc DX { Else its a 80386 or better } @Quit: Mov AX,DX { Return Result in AX } END;{CpuType} BEGIN Writeln('Your CPU is a ',CPU[CpuType]); END.