> Hi! I was wondering.. does anyone have any TP codes to find > out what type > of machine (ie. XT, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, etc) that the user > is running? > The type of coding (Inline Assembly or BASM).. I don't care.. > just make sure > that it is usable by Turbo Pascal 6.0 =8) Thanks! { GetCPU Byte Ermittelt den arbeitenden CPU-Typ. Der zurckgelieferte Code entspricht: 0 - Intel 8088 1 - Intel 8086 2 - NEC V20 3 - NEC V30 4 - Intel 80188 5 - Intel 80186 6 - Intel 80286 (or Harris or... whatever) 7 - Intel 80386 (or AMD or Cyrix (?) or... whatever) 8 - Intel 80486 (or AMD or Cyrix (?) or... ;)) 9 - Intel Pentium (still looking forward for clones... ;)) } Function GetCPU: Byte; Assembler; Const processor: Byte= $FF; Asm mov al, processor cmp al, 0FFh jne @get_out pushf xor bx,bx push bx popf pushf pop bx and bx,0F000h cmp bx,0F000h je @no286 mov bx,07000h push bx popf pushf pop bx and bx,07000h jne @test486 mov dl,6 jmp @end @test486: mov dl,7 xor si,si mov ax,cs {$IFDEF DPMI} add ax,SelectorInc {$ENDIF} mov es,ax mov byte ptr es:[@queue486+11], 46h { 46h == "INC SI" } @queue486: nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop or si,si jnz @end inc dl db 66h ; pushf { pushfd } db 66h ; pushf { pushfd } db 66h ; pop ax { pop eax } db 66h ; mov cx,ax { mov ecx,eax } db 66h,35h db 00h,00h,20h,00h { xor eax,(1 shl 21) (Pentium ID flag) } db 66h ; push ax { push eax } db 66h ; popf { popfd } db 66h ; pushf { pushfd } db 66h ; pop ax { pop eax } db 66h,25h db 00h,00h,20h,00h { and eax,(1 shl 21) } db 66h,81h,0E1h db 00h,00h,20h,00h { and ecx,(1 shl 21) } db 66h ; cmp ax,cx { cmp eax,ecx } je @is486 inc dl @is486: db 66h ; popf { popfd } jmp @end @no286: mov dl,5 mov al,0FFh mov cl,21h shr al,cl jnz @testdatabus mov dl,2 sti xor si,si mov cx,0FFFFh {$IFDEF DPMI} push es push ds pop es {$ENDIF} rep seges lodsb { == rep lods byte ptr es:[si] } {$IFDEF DPMI} pop es {$ENDIF} or cx,cx jz @testdatabus mov dl,1 @testdatabus: push cs {$IFDEF DPMI} pop ax add ax,SelectorInc mov es,ax {$ELSE} pop es {$ENDIF} xor bx,bx std mov al,90h mov cx,3 call @ip2di cli rep stosb cld nop; nop; nop inc bx nop sti or bx,bx jz @end { v20 or 8086 or 80186 } cmp dl,1 je @its8088 cmp dl,2 je @itsV30 cmp dl,5 jne @end mov dl,4 jmp @end @its8088: xor dl,dl jmp @end @itsV30: mov dl,3 jmp @end @ip2di: pop di push di add di,9 retn @end: popf mov al,dl mov processor,al @get_out: End;