{ > Does anyone here have code to detect if a system got ISA, VL or PCI-bus > ? > Please respond with code. An extract of my system diagnostics tools. Have fun.. :) (Put this in SWAG if you want...) } procedure getbustype; var works : boolean; data_seg : word; data_ofs : word; test : string[4]; begin bustype:=''; works:=false; if not works then { EISA } begin test:='EISA'; test[2]:=chr(mem[$f000:$ffd9]); test[1]:=chr(mem[$f000:$ffda]); test[4]:=chr(mem[$f000:$ffdb]); test[3]:=chr(mem[$f000:$ffdc]); if test='EISA' then begin works:=true; bustype:='EISA'; end; end; if not works then { MCA } begin asm mov ah,0c0h int 15h cmp ah,0 jnz @nope mov works,true mov data_seg,es mov data_ofs,bx @nope: end; if works then if (mem[data_seg:data_ofs+5] and 2)=2 then bustype:='MCA' else works:=false; end; if not works then { PCI } begin asm mov ax,$b101 int $1a cmp ah,00 jne @nope mov works,true @nope: end; if works then bustype:='ISA/PCI'; end; if not works then bustype:='ISA'; { ISA ? } end;