{ >Can someone give me some code to make the lights Num lock/caps >lock/scroll lock keys to turn on? } Program KeySet; Const CapsState = $40; { Mask For Caps Lock state } NumState = $20; { Mask For Num Lock state } ScrollState = $10; { Mask For Scroll Lock state } Var Kb : Byte Absolute $0040:$0017; { Address of keyboard flags } I : Byte; S : String; begin if ParamCount = 0 then begin WriteLn; WriteLn(' Command line options:'); WriteLn; WriteLn(' C toggle Cap lock state'); WriteLn(' N toggle Num lock state'); WriteLn(' S toggle Scroll lock state'); WriteLn(' Add + to turn on and - to turn off'); Halt(1); end; For I := 1 to ParamCount Do begin S := ParamStr(I); S[1] := UpCase(S[1]); { toggle Caps Lock } if S = 'C' then Kb := Kb xor CapsState; { toggle Num Lock } if S = 'N' then Kb := Kb xor NumState; { toggle Scroll Lock } if S = 'S' then Kb := Kb xor ScrollState; { Set Caps Lock on } if S = 'C+' then Kb := Kb or CapsState; { Set Num Lock on } if S = 'N+' then Kb := Kb or NumState; { Set Scroll Lock on } if S = 'S+' then Kb := Kb or ScrollState; { Set Caps Lock off } if S = 'C-' then Kb := Kb and not (CapsState or not Kb); { Set Num Lock off } if S = 'N-' then Kb := Kb and not (NumState or not Kb); { Set Scroll Lock off } if S = 'S-' then Kb := Kb and not (ScrollState or not Kb); end; Write('Caps Lock : '); if (Kb and CapsState) = CapsState then WriteLn('ON') else WriteLn('ofF'); Write('Num Lock : '); if (Kb and NumState) = NumState then WriteLn('ON') else WriteLn('ofF'); Write('Scroll Lock: '); if (Kb and ScrollState) = ScrollState then WriteLn('ON') else WriteLn('ofF'); end. { This Program will toggle, Turn on, or Turn off the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock lights. and when its done it tells you the state of each key. }