{ IL> INT 16 - KEYBOARD - SET TYPEMATIC RATE AND DELAY I wrote a little utility a long time ago, that you might find a bit handy... I'm sure I have the code around here somewhere (rummage..) Ah here : for the typematic, delay is in increments of 250, and rate is in decrements of one... Sean Graham..... } procedure cursor(t, b: byte); assembler; { Set cursor attribs } asm mov ax, $0100 mov ch, t mov cl, b int $10 end; procedure v50; assembler; { Go to 50 line mode } asm mov ax,1202h mov bl,30h int 10h mov ax,3 int 10h mov ax,1112h xor bl, bl int 10h end; procedure v25; assembler; { Go to 25 line mode } asm mov ax,$0003 int $10 end; procedure typematic(rate, delay: byte); assembler; asm mov ah, 3 mov al, 5 {Set Typematic Rate And Delay } mov bh, rate {00h = 30/sec to 1fh = 2/sec } mov bl, delay {00h = 250ms to 03h = 1000ms } int $16 end; {Int $16 Function $03; { Set type matic Rate } {MAYNARD PHILBROOK,Re Keyboard Speed Adjust} Procedure SetTypeRate(Kdelay, Krate:Byte); Begin asm Mov AX,$0305; { on a PC jr, AL reg has extra Functions } Mov BH, Kdelay; Mov BL, Krate; Int $16; End; End;