Unit TTY; { Copyright (c) 1995 by Tobin T. Fricke, All Rights Reserved } { This is freeware. Created March 3, 1995 by Tobin Fricke. } { Description: Basically, this unit defines the various TTY ascii codes } { which come in handy sometimes. } { If you use this, I'd appreciate it if you could send me a postcard } { from where you live, or at least send me an email. My email address } { is tobin@mail.edm.net. If that doesn't work, try using } { fricke@roboben.engr.ucdavis.edu. My postal address is: } { 25001 El Cortijo Ln., Mission Viejo, CA 92691-5236, USA. Thanks! } Interface Const NUL=#0; { Null } SOH=#1; STX=#2; ETX=#3; EOT=#4; ENQ=#5; ACK=#6; {Acknowledge} BEL=#7; { Beep } BS=#8; { Backspace } HT=#9; { Horiz Tab } LF=#10; { Line Feed } VT=#11; { Vert Tab } FF=#12; { Form Feed } CR=#13; { Carriage return } SO=#14; SI=#15; DLE=#16; DC1=#17; DC2=#18; DC3=#19; DC4=#20; NAK=#21; SYN=#22; ETB=#23; CAN=#24; EM=#25; SUB=#26; ESC=#27; FS=#28; {cursor right} GS=#29; {cursor left } RS=#30; {cursor up } US=#31; {cursor down } Implementation End.