*) From: KELLY SMALL Refer#: NONE Subj: QWK stuff Conf: (1221) F-PASCAL *) Type Array25 = Array[1..25] of Char; HdrRec = Record MessageStatus : Char; MessageNumber : Array[1..7] of Char; MessageDate : Array[1..8] of Char; MessageTime : Array[1..5] of Char; MessageTo : Array25; MessageFrom : Array25; MessageSubject: Array25; MessagePS : Array[1..12] of Char; MessageRefer : Array8; TotalBlock : Array[1..6] of Char; MessageKilled : Char; Conference : Integer; Dummy : Array[1..3] of Char; End; Var Header : HdrRec; F : File; begin assign(f,'message.dat'); reset(f); read(f,header); end. But this is only the begining, you will need to read in all the message as 128 byte blocks and convert it for editing. It's an array of char, not strings, and it uses #227 for an End of Line, rather then the conventional carriage return/line feed.