{$V-,S-} { this SIMPLE little ditty let's you read SWAG or QWK files which have EXACTLY the same format } Program ReadQWKORSWAGFile; Uses Crt; Const Seperator = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------'; Type CharArray = ARRAY[1..6] OF CHAR; { to read in chunks } MSGDATHdr = Record { ALSO the format for SWAG files !!! } Status : Char; MSGNum : Array [1..7] of Char; Date : Array [1..8] of Char; Time : Array [1..5] of Char; UpTO : Array [1..25] of Char; UpFROM : Array [1..25] of Char; Subject : Array [1..25] of Char; PassWord : Array [1..12] of Char; ReferNum : Array [1..8] of Char; NumChunk : CharArray; Alive : Byte; LeastSig : Byte; MostSig : Byte; Reserved : Array [1..3] of Char; end; Var F : File; DefSaveFile : String; Number : Word; FUNCTION ArrayTOInteger(B : CharArray; Len : BYTE) : LONGINT; VAR I : Byte; S : STRING; E : Integer; T : Integer; BEGIN S := ''; FOR I := 1 TO PRED(Len) DO IF B[i] <> #32 THEN S := S + B[i]; Val (S, T, E); IF E = 0 THEN ArrayToInteger := T; END; Procedure ReadMSG (NumChunks : INTEGER); Var Buff : Array [1..128] of Char; J : INTEGER; I : Byte; begin For J := 1 to PRED(NumChunks) do begin BlockRead (F, Buff, 1); For I := 1 to 128 do If Buff [I] = #$E3 then Writeln else Write (Buff [I]); end; end; Procedure ReadWriteHdr (Var HDR : MSGDatHdr); begin BlockRead (F, Hdr, 1); With Hdr do begin Write ('Date: ', Date, ' (', Time, ')'); Writeln ('' : 23, 'Number: ', MSGNum); Write ('From: ', UpFROM); Writeln ('' : 14, 'Refer#: ', ReferNum); Write (' To: ', UpTO); Write ('' : 15, 'Recvd: '); If Status in ['-', '`', '^', '#'] then Writeln ('YES') else Writeln ('NO'); Write ('Subj: ', Subject); Writeln ('' : 16, 'Conf: ', '(', LeastSig, ')'); Writeln(Seperator); end; end; Procedure ReadMessage (HDR : MSGDatHdr; RelNum : LONGINT; VAR Chunks : INTEGER); begin Seek(F,RelNum-1); ReadWriteHdr (HDR); Chunks := ArrayToInteger(HDR.NumChunk,6); ReadMsg (Chunks); end; Var MSGHdr : MSGDatHdr; REPorDAT : Boolean; ch : CHAR; count : INTEGER; chunks : INTEGER; begin DefSaveFile := ''; DirectVideo := False; Assign (F, '\SWAG\FILES\EGAVGA.SWG'); { whatever file .. } { MESSAGES.DAT for .QWK} Reset (F, SizeOf(MsgHdr)); Count := 2; { start at RECORD #2 } WHILE (Count < FileSize(F)) DO BEGIN ClrScr; ReadMessage (MSGHdr, Count, Chunks); Writeln; WriteLn('..any key to continue .. (any FN Key quits)'); ch := Readkey; { any FN key quits } IF Ch = #0 THEN HALT; INC(Count,Chunks); END; Close (F); end.