{ BRIAN PAPE > Go to the library and look up the Sieve of Eratosthenes; it's a very >interesting and easy method For "finding" prime numbers in a certain >range - and kinda fun to Program in Pascal, I might add... } Program aristophenses_net; { LCCC Computer Bowl November 1992 Team members: Brian Pape, Mike Lazar, Brian Grammer, Kristy Reed - total time: 5:31 } Const size = 5000; Var b : Array [1..size] of Boolean; i, j, count : Integer; begin count := 0; Writeln; Write('WORKING: ', ' ' : 6, '/', size : 6); For i := 1 to 13 do Write(#8); fillChar(b, sizeof(b), 1); For i := 2 to size do if b[i] then begin Write(i : 6, #8#8#8#8#8#8); For j := i + 1 to size do if j mod i = 0 then b[j] := False; end; { For } Writeln; For i := 1 to size do if b[i] then begin Write(i : 8); inc(count); end; Writeln; Write('The number of primes from 1 to ', size, ' is ', count, '.'); end.