{LOU DUCHEZ > Could anybody explain how to Write such a routine in Pascal? Here's a dorky little "Factoring" Program I wrote to display the factors of a number: } Program factors; Var lin, lcnt : LongInt; begin Write('Enter number to factor: '); readln(lin); lcnt := 2; While lcnt * lcnt <= lin do begin if lin mod lcnt = 0 then Writeln('Factors:', lcnt : 9, (lin div lcnt) : 9); lcnt := lcnt + 1; end; end. { Notice that I only check For factors up to the square root of the number Typed in. Also, notice the "mod" operator: gives the remainder of Integer division ("div" gives the Integer result of division). Not Really knowing exactly what you want to accomplish, I don't Really know if the above is of much help. But what the hey. }