{ MICHAEL M. BYRNE > the way, it took about 20 mins. on my 386/40 to get prime numbers > through 20000. I tried to come up With code to do the same With > Turbo but it continues to elude me. Could anybody explain > how to Write such a routine in Pascal? Here is a simple Boolean Function For you to work With. } Function Prime(N : Integer) : Boolean; {Returns True if N is a prime; otherwise returns False. Precondition: N > 0.} Var I : Integer; begin if N = 1 then Prime := False else if N = 2 then Prime := True else begin { N > 2 } Prime := True; {tentatively} For I := 2 to N - 1 do if (N mod I = 0) then Prime := False; end; { N > 2 } end;