(* From: TIM MCKAY Subj: RE: COVERTING TO BASE 36 JF> Can someone please show me how I would convert a base 10 number to JF> base 36? (The one used by RIP) *) program convertbase; const B: integer = 36; { B = the base to convert to } S: string = ''; { S = the string representation of the result } done: boolean = false; var X, I, F: integer; { X = the original base 10 number I = the integer portion of the result F = the fractional portion of the result } R: real; { R = the intermediate real result } begin readln(X); { Get original base 10 number } R:=X; while (not done) do begin { This loop continues to divide the } R:= R/B; { result by the base until it reaches 0 } I:= int (R); { The integer portion of the result is } R:= I; { reassigned to R } F:= frac(R) * B; { The fractional portion is converted to} if f<10 then begin { an integer remainder of the original } S:=chr(f+$30) + S; { base and converted to a character to } end else begin { be added to the string representation } S:=chr(f+$37) + S; end; if R<=0 then done:=true; { When R reaches 0 then you're done } end; writeln(S); end.