{ LOU DUCHEZ >Also, does anyone have anycode to do Pascal's Triangle? The pattern is: 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 where each element = the sum of the two above it. Arrange it like this: 0110 -- The zeros are needed so that the algorithm can process the 1's. 01210 013310 0146410 I'd have two Arrays: one shows the last row's figures, and the other holds the current row's figures. Each "new" element (call the index "i") = the sum of "previous" element "i" + "previous" element "i - 1". } Procedure CalcPascalRow(r : Word); { which row to calculate } Var prows : Array[0..1, 0..100] of Word;{ your two Arrays } thisrow, lastrow : Byte; { point to this row & last row } i, j : Word; { counters } begin lastrow := 0; { set up "which row is which" } thisrow := 1; prows[lastrow, 0] := 0; { set up row "1": 0110 } prows[lastrow, 1] := 1; prows[lastrow, 2] := 1; prows[lastrow, 3] := 0; For j := 2 to r do begin { generate each "line" starting w/2 } prows[thisrow, 0] := 0; For i := 1 to j + 1 do begin { each "new" element = sum of "old" } prows[thisrow, i] := { element + predecessor to "old" } prows[lastrow, i] + { element } prows[lastrow, i - 1]; end; prows[thisrow, j + 2] := 0; lastrow := thisrow; { prepare For next iteration } thisrow := (thisrow + 1) mod 2; end; For i := 1 to r + 1 do { Write each element of desired line } Write(prows[lastrow, i] : 4); Writeln; end;