{ BEN CURTIS Here is a Program that I have written to derive Pi. The formula is 4 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + 4/9... ad infinitum. Unfortunately, I can only get 14 decimal places using TP 6. if there is a way For me to be able to get more than 14 decimal places, please let me know. NB: Program Modified by Kerry Sokalsky to increase speed by over 40% - I'm sure tons more can be done to speed this up even more. } {$N+} Uses Dos, Crt; Var sum : Real; x, d, Count : LongInt; Odd : Boolean; begin x := 3; d := 4; Sum := 4; Odd := True; Count := 0; Writeln(#13#10, 'Iteration Value', #13#10); ClrScr; Repeat Inc(Count); if Odd then Sum := Sum - d/x else Sum := Sum + d/x; Inc(x, 2); Odd := (Not Odd); GotoXY(1, 3); Write(Count); GotoXY(12, 3); Write(Sum : 0 : 7); Until KeyPressed; end. { I have to warn you, it took me two hours to get a definite answer for 6 decimal places on my 486sx25. I guess it would be faster on a dx. I'll run it on a 486dx2/66 on Tuesday and see if I can get it out to 14 decimal places. It takes about 135000 iterations to get 4 decimal places. Again, please let me know if you know of a way to get more than 14 decimal places -- I would love to get this sucker out to more. :) }