{ From: WARREN PORTER Subj: eval Program to evaluate expressions using a stack. } const Maxstack = 100; type stack = record top : 0..Maxstack; Item : array[1..Maxstack] of char end; RealStack = record top: 0..Maxstack; Item : array[1..Maxstack] of real end; xptype = record oper : char; opnd : real end; Function Empty(var A:stack):boolean; Begin Empty:= A.top = 0; End; Function Pop(var A:stack):char; Begin if A.Top < 1 then begin writeln('Attempt to pop an empty stack'); halt(1) end; Pop:= A.item[A.top]; A.top:= A.top - 1 End; Procedure Push(var A:stack; Nchar:char); Begin if A.Top = Maxstack then begin writeln('Stack already full'); halt(1) end; A.top:= A.top + 1; A.item[A.top]:=Nchar End; {The following functions are for the real stack only.} Function REmpty(var D:RealStack):boolean; Begin REmpty:= D.top = 0; End; Function RPop(var D:RealStack):real; Begin if D.Top < 1 then begin writeln('Attempt to pop an empty RealStack'); halt(1) end; RPop:= D.item[D.top]; D.top:= D.top - 1 End; Procedure RPush(var D:RealStack; Nreal:real); Begin if D.Top = MaxStack then begin writeln('Stack already full'); halt(1) end; D.top:= D.top + 1; D.item[D.top]:=Nreal End; Function pri(op1, op2:char):boolean; var tpri: boolean; Begin if op2 = ')' then tpri:= true else if (op1 = '$') and (op2 <> '$') and (op2 <> '(') then tpri:= true else if (op1 in ['*','/']) and (op2 in ['+','-']) then tpri:= true else tpri:= false; pri:= tpri{; write('Eval op 1= ',op1, ' op2 = ',op2); if tpri= false then writeln(' false') else writeln(' true')} End; Function ConvReal(a:real;NumDec:integer):real; var i, tenpower: integer; Begin tenpower:= 1; for i:= 1 to NumDec do tenpower:= tenpower * 10; ConvReal:= a / tenpower End; Function ROper(opnd1, opnd2: real; oper: char):real; Var temp: real; Begin Case oper of '+': temp:= opnd1 + opnd2; '-': temp:= opnd1 - opnd2; '*': temp:= opnd1 * opnd2; '/': temp:= opnd1 / opnd2; '$': temp:= exp(ln(opnd1) * opnd2) End {Case} ; {Writeln(opnd1:6:3,' ',oper,' ',opnd2:6:3 ,' = ',temp:6:3);} ROper := temp End; {R oper} {Main procedure starts here} var A: stack; Inbuff:string[Maxstack]; len, i, j, NumDecPnt, lenexp: integer; temp, opnd1, opnd2, result : real; valid, expdigit, expdec, isneg, openok: boolean; operators, digits : set of char; HoldTop : char; B: array[1..Maxstack] of xptype; C: array[1..Maxstack] of xptype; D: RealStack; Begin digits:= ['0'..'9']; operators:= ['$','*','/','+','-','(',')']; Writeln('Enter expression to evaluate or RETURN to stop'); Writeln('A space should follow a minus sign unless it is used to'); Writeln('negate the following number. Real numbers with multi-'); Writeln('digits and decimal point (if needed) may be entered.'); Writeln; Readln(Inbuff); len:=length(Inbuff); repeat i:= 1; A.top:= 0; valid:= true; repeat if Inbuff[i] in ['(','[','{'] then push(A,Inbuff[i]) else if Inbuff[i] in [')',']','}'] then if empty(A) then valid:= false else if (ord(Inbuff[i]) - ord(Pop(A))) > 2 then valid:= false; i:= i + 1 until (i > len) or (not valid); if not empty(A) then valid:= false; if not valid then Writeln('The expression is invalid') else Begin {Change all groupings to parenthesis} for i:= 1 to len do Begin if Inbuff[i] in ['[','{'] then Inbuff[i]:= '(' else if Inbuff[i] in [']','}'] then Inbuff[i]:= ')'; B[i].oper:= ' '; B[i].opnd:= 0; C[i].oper:= ' '; C[i].opnd:= 0 End; { The B array will be the reformatted input string. The C array will be the postfix expression. } i:= 1; j:= 1; expdigit:= false; expdec:= false; isneg:= false; while i <= len do Begin if (Inbuff[i] = '-') and (Inbuff[i + 1] in digits) then Begin isneg:= true; i:= i + 1 End; if (Inbuff[i] = '.' ) then Begin i:= i + 1; expdec:= true End; if Inbuff[i] in digits then Begin if expdec then NumDecPnt:= NumDecPnt + 1; if expdigit then temp:= temp * 10 + ord(inbuff[i]) - ord('0') else Begin temp:= ord(inbuff[i]) - ord('0'); expdigit:= true End End else if expdigit = true then Begin if isneg then temp:= temp * -1; B[j].opnd:= ConvReal(temp,NumDecPnt); j:= j + 1; expdigit := false; expdec := false; NumDecPnt:= 0; isneg:= false End; If Inbuff[i] in operators then Begin B[j].oper:= Inbuff[i]; j:= j + 1 End; if not (Inbuff[i] in digits) and not (Inbuff[i] in operators) and not (Inbuff[i] = ' ') then Begin Writeln('Found invalid operator: ',Inbuff[i]); valid:= false End; i:= i + 1; End; {While loop to parse string.} if expdigit = true then Begin if isneg then temp:= temp * -1; B[j].opnd:= ConvReal(temp,NumDecPnt); j:= j + 1; expdigit := false; expdec := false; NumDecPnt:= 0; isneg:= false End; End; {First if valid loop. Next one won't run if invalid operator} if valid then Begin lenexp:= j - 1; {Length of converted expression} writeln; for i:= 1 to lenexp do Begin if B[i].oper = ' ' then write(B[i].opnd:2:3) else write(B[i].oper); write(' ') End; {Ready to create postfix expression in array C } A.top:= 0; j:= 0; for i:= 1 to lenexp do Begin {writeln('i = ',i);} if B[i].oper = ' ' then Begin j:= j + 1; C[j].opnd:= B[i].opnd End else Begin openok := true; while (not empty(A) and openok and pri(A.item[A.top],B[i].oper)) do Begin HoldTop:= pop(A); if HoldTop = '(' then openok:= false else Begin j:= j + 1; C[j].oper:=HoldTop End End; if B[i].oper <> ')' then push(A,B[i].oper); End; {Else} End; {For loop} while not empty(A) do Begin HoldTop:= pop(A); if HoldTop <> '(' then Begin j:= j + 1; C[j].oper:=HoldTop End End; lenexp:= j; {Since parenthesis are not included in postfix.} for i:= 1 to lenexp do Begin if C[i].oper = ' ' then write(C[i].opnd:2:3) else write(C[i].oper); write(' ') End; {The following evaluates the expression in the real stack} D.top:=0; for i:= 1 to lenexp do Begin if C[i].oper = ' ' then Rpush(D,C[i].opnd) else Begin opnd2:= Rpop(D); opnd1:= Rpop(D); result:= ROper(opnd1,opnd2,C[i].oper); Rpush(D,result) End {else} End; {for loop} result:= Rpop(D); if Rempty(D) then writeln(' = ',result:2:3) else writeln(' Could not evaluate',chr(7)) End; Readln(Inbuff); len:= length(Inbuff) until len = 0 End.