{ >Does anyone have any source for evaluating math expressions? I would like to >find some source that can evaluate an expression like > > 5 * (3 + 4) or B * 3 + C } Program Test; Uses Strings; {You have to use your own unit} Var x : Real; maxvar : Integer; s : String; Const maxfun = 21; func : Array[1..maxfun] Of String[9] = ('LN', 'SINH', 'SIN', 'COSH', 'COS', 'TANH', 'TAN', 'COTH', 'COT', 'SQRT', 'SQR', 'EXP', 'ARCSIN', 'ARSINH', 'ARCCOS', 'ARCOSH', 'ARCTAN', 'ARTANH', 'ARCCOT', 'ARCOTH', 'NEG'); Var errnum : Integer; Function Calculate(f : String) : Real; Var { errnum : Integer;} eps : Real; Function Eval(l, r : Integer) : Real; Var i, j, k, wo, op : Integer; result, t1, t2 : real; Begin If errnum > 0 Then Exit; wo := 0; op := 6; k := 0; While (f[l] = '(') And (f[r] = ')') Do Begin Inc(l); Dec(r); End; If l > r Then Begin errnum := 1; eval := 0.0; Exit; End; For i := l To r Do Begin Case f[i] of '(': Inc(k); ')': Dec(k); Else If k = 0 Then Case f[i] of '+' : Begin wo := i; op := 1 End; '-' : Begin wo := i; op := 2 End; '*' : If op > 2 Then Begin wo := i; op := 3 End; '/' : If op > 2 Then Begin wo := i; op := 4 End; '^' : If op > 4 Then Begin wo := i; op := 5 End; End; End; End; If k <> 0 Then Begin errnum := 2; eval := 0.0; Exit; End; If op < 6 Then Begin t1 := eval(l, wo-1); If errnum > 0 Then Exit; t2 := eval(wo+1, r); If errnum > 0 Then Exit; End; Case op of 1 : Begin eval := t1 + t2; End; 2 : Begin eval := t1 - t2; End; 3 : Begin eval := t1 * t2; End; 4 : Begin If Abs(t2) < eps Then Begin errnum := 4; eval := 0.0; Exit; End; eval := t1 / t2; End; 5 : Begin If t1 < eps Then Begin errnum := 3; eval := 0.0; Exit; End; eval := exp(t2*ln(t1)); End; 6 : Begin i:=0; Repeat Inc(i); Until (i > maxfun) Or (Pos(func[i], f) = l); If i <= maxfun Then t1 := eval(l+length(func[i]), r); If errnum > 0 Then Exit; Case i Of 1 : Begin eval := ln(t1); End; 2 : Begin eval := (exp(t1)-exp(-t1))/2; End; 3 : Begin eval := sin(t1); End; 4 : Begin eval := (exp(t1)+exp(-t1))/2; End; 5 : Begin eval := cos(t1); End; 6 : Begin eval := exp(-t1)/(exp(t1)+exp(-t1))*2+1; End; 7 : Begin eval := sin(t1)/cos(t1); End; 8 : Begin eval := exp(-t1)/(exp(t1)-exp(-t1))*2+1; End; 9 : Begin eval := cos(t1)/sin(t1); End; 10 : Begin eval := sqrt(t1); End; 11 : Begin eval := sqr(t1); End; 12 : Begin eval := exp(t1); End; 13 : Begin eval := arctan(t1/sqrt(1-sqr(t1))); End; 14 : Begin eval := ln(t1+sqrt(sqr(t1+1))); End; 15 : Begin eval := -arctan(t1/sqrt(1-sqr(t1)))+pi/2; End; 16 : Begin eval := ln(t1+sqrt(sqr(t1-1))); End; 17 : Begin eval := arctan(t1); End; 18 : Begin eval := ln((1+t1)/(1-t1))/2; End; 19 : Begin eval := arctan(t1)+pi/2; End; 20 : Begin eval := ln((t1+1)/(t1-1))/2; End; 21 : Begin eval := -t1; End; Else If copy(f, l, r-l+1) = 'PI' Then eval := Pi Else If copy(f, l, r-l+1) = 'E' Then eval := 2.718281828 Else Begin Val(copy(f, l, r-l+1), result, j); If j = 0 Then Begin eval := result; End Else Begin {here you can handle other variables} errnum := 5; eval := 0.0; Exit; End; End; End End End End; Begin { errnum := 0;} eps := 1.0E-9; f := StripBlanks(UpStr(f)); Calculate := Eval(1, length(f)); End; Begin READLN(s); While length(s) > 0 do Begin errnum := 0; x := calculate(s); writeln('Ergebnis : ',x:14:6, ' Fehlercode : ', errnum); readln(s); End; End. { You have to write your own function STRIPBLANKS, which eliminates ALL blanks in a string. And the only variables supported are e and pi. But it is not difficult to handle other variables. }