(* >Does anyone have any equations for gravity?? It's not as tough as you probably think it is. The way I work motion in my programs is, I keep track of the acceleration, velocity, and position of an object in both the x and y directions. In other words, I have these variables: var ax, ay, vx, vy, px, py: integer; When you have a force -- like gravity, or wind resistance, or whatever -- you need to recalculate the accelerations every game round. Then you alter the velocities accordingly, and after that you change the positions. For example, each round you execute code like this: ax := {formula for force in the "x" direction}; ay := {formula for force in the "y" direction}; vx := vx + ax; vy := vy + ay; px := px + vx; py := py + vy; Notice how simple it is to keep track of motion: all you need to do is supply a formula for acceleration, and the program runs "blind" after that point. So gravity is just a matter of supplying the right "acceleration" formulas. If you are talking gravity near the surface of the earth, gravity provides very nearly a constant acceleration. In which case: ax := 0; {no "horizontal" gravity} ay := g; {a constant -- assign whatever value you like} For objects to fall "down" the screen, "g" should be positive. Motion towards the top of the screen would mean a negative velocity. That's because "y" coordinates increase from top to bottom, and frankly that confuses me and it confuses the numbers. You might do well to do this: have your calculations assume that "y" coordinates increase from bottom to top, and then draw at position (px, GetMaxY + 1 - py). With coordinates increasing from bottom to top, "g" should be negative and upward motion means positive "vy". If you want gravity as applies to celestial objects in orbit, the formulas for acceleration would be: x := px - sx; { new variables: sx and sy are the locations of the sun or } y := py - sy; { whatever, and x and y are thus the distances from it } ax := g*x / exp(3*ln(x*x + y*y)/2); ay := g*y / exp(3*ln(x*x + y*y)/2); Again, I recommend plotting at (px, GetMaxY + 1 - py); and again, "g" should be negative. Be advised that there is a singularity at the location of the sun or whatever: the "ln" calculations will fail. Another gravity formula I've seen used is "bowl" gravity, like a marble rolling around in a bowl. It's unrealistic, but it "feels" good and doesn't have a singularity. In which case: ax := g*x; { negative "g" again } ay := g*y; *)