{ >I would like to know if there is a function to convert a year to Roman >Numerals (1993 to MCMCMIII). Brian Pape, Brian Grammer, Mike Lazar, Christy Reed, Matt Hayes } program roman; const num = 'IVXLCDM'; value : array [1..7] of integer = (1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000); var i : byte; s : string; sum : integer; begin writeln('Enter the Roman Numerals: '); readln(s); i := length(s); while (i >= 1) do begin if i > 1 then begin if pos(s[i], num) <= (pos(s[i - 1], num)) then begin sum := sum + value[pos(s[i], num)]; dec(i); end else begin sum := sum + value[pos(s[i],num)] - value[pos(s[i - 1], num)]; dec(i, 2); end; end else begin sum := sum + value[pos(s[1], num)]; dec(i); end; end; WRITELN; writeln('Roman numeral: ', s); writeln(' Arabic value: ', sum); end.