{ I wrote routines to add and multiply any amount of bytes one at a time, but then had no way to test them out:) } program Really_Big_Math; type ReallyBigNumber = array[0..100] of byte; {Byte [0] is the length, [1] is least significant} procedure ShiftRBN(var A:ReallyBigNumber;N:byte); var Index:Byte; begin if n<>0 then begin for Index :=(A[0] + N) downto N+1 do A[Index] := A[Index - N]; for Index := 1 to N do A[Index] := 0; Inc(A[0],N); end; end; procedure ByteAdd(A,B:Byte; var C,S:byte); var temp:word; begin temp := A+B+C; C := temp div 256; S := temp mod 256; end; Procedure ByteMult(A,B:Byte;var C,P:byte); var temp:word; begin temp:=A*B+C; C:=temp div 256; P:=temp mod 256; end; Procedure Sum(N1,N2:ReallyBigNumber;var S:ReallyBigNumber); var WorkArray : ReallyBigNumber; L,Index, Carry : byte; begin Carry := 0;WorkArray[0] := 0; if N1[0] = 0 then for Index := 1 to 100 do N1[Index] := 0; if N2[0] = 0 then for Index := 1 to 100 do N2[Index] := 0; if N1[0] > N2[0] then L := N1[0] else L := N2[0]; for Index := 1 to L do begin ByteAdd(N1[Index],N2[Index],Carry,WorkArray[Index]); inc(WorkArray[0]); end; if Carry <> 0 then inc(WorkArray[0]); WorkArray[L+1]:= Carry; S := WorkArray; end; procedure Product(N1,N2:ReallyBigNumber;var PR:ReallyBigNumber); var C1,C2,L1,L2, Carry :Byte; TProduct, WorkRBN :ReallyBigNumber; begin WorkRBN[0] := 0; L1 := N1[0];L2 := N2[0]; for C1 := 1 to L1 do begin Carry:=0;TProduct[0]:=0; for C2 := 1 to L2 do begin ByteMult(N1[C1],N2[C2],Carry,TProduct[C2]); inc(TProduct[0]); end; if Carry<>0 then begin TProduct[C2+1] := Carry; inc(TProduct[0]); end; ShiftRBN(TProduct,C1-1); Sum(TProduct,WorkRBN,WorkRBN) end; PR := WorkRBN; end; procedure STR2RBN(S:String; var R:ReallyBigNumber); var Index, SLen : Byte; Value, RBNTen, RBNPlus : ReallyBigNumber; function Ch2Val(C:Char):Byte; begin Ch2Val := ord(C) - 48; end; begin SLen := Length(S); RBNTen[0] := 1; RBNTen[1] := 10; {To Multiply Value by Ten} RBNPlus[0] := 1; RBNPlus[1] := 0; {To add to Value} Value[0] := 1; Value[1] := Ch2Val(S[1]); if SLen > 1 then for Index := 2 to SLen do begin (***THANKS DJ!!***) RBNPlus[1] := Ch2Val(S[Index]); Product(RBNTen,Value,Value); Sum(RBNPlus,Value,Value); end; R := Value; end; procedure RBN2Real(RBN:ReallyBigNumber;var RR:Real); var RValue:Real; begin RValue:=0; repeat RValue := RValue * 256; RValue := RValue + RBN[RBN[0]]; dec(RBN[0]); until RBN[0] < 1; RR := RValue; end; var AA,BB,SS,PP: ReallyBigNumber; StA,StB : String; RealP,RealS : Real; begin Writeln('Input A'); Readln(StA); Writeln('Input B'); Readln(StB); STR2RBN(StA,AA); STR2RBN(StB,BB); Sum(AA,BB,SS); Product(AA,BB,PP); RBN2Real(SS,RealS); RBN2Real(PP,RealP); Writeln('Sum =',RealS); Writeln('Product =',RealP); end.