{ >I need to find the minimum and maximum values in large arrays (~20,000 >points) of type word. Looking for a faster way using TP7 (assembler?) >to do it than: > >min := data^[1]; >max := data^[1]; > >for i := 2 to num_points do >begin > data_value := data^[i]; > if data_value < min then min := data_value; > if data_value > max then max := data_value; >end; > Lets try some asm here: From: terjem@hda.hydro.com (Terje Mathisen) } Procedure FindMinMax(var data; num_points : word; var min, max : word); Assembler; asm push ds lds si,[data] mov cx,[num_points] sub cx,1 jc @done {Empty array! } mov dx,[si] {Min value} lea si,[si+2] {Point at second table entry} mov bx,dx {Max value} jz @store {Single-entry array!} @loop: mov ax,[si] add si,2 cmp ax,dx jb @new_min cmp ax,bx ja @new_max dec cx jnz @loop jmp @store @new_min: mov dx,ax {Save new min value} dec cx jnz @loop jmp @store @new_max: mov bx,ax {Save new max value} dec cx jnz @loop @store: {Return the values found!} lds si,[min] mov [si],dx lds si,[max] mov [si],bx @done: pop ds end; { This was written from scratch, so no testing whatsoever! It should be quite well optimized for both 486 and Pentium-class machines, running in about 10 cycles/word on a 486, and just 4 cycles/word on a Pentium, since the 8 inner-loop instructions will pair perfectly. With 20,000 points in your array, this should correspond to 6ms on a 486-33, and less than a milli- second on a Pentium-90. The most important feature to note is that new extremal values will be quite rare, averaging just O(log(n)) for a random n-element array. That's why I jump out of the loop to handle these cases, making the normal case much faster. With a worst-case, already sorted array, we will find a new max value on each iteration, which will increase the running time to 12 cycles on the 486, while the Pentium will stay constant at 4 cycles. If the array is pre-sorted in reverse (declining) order, the 486 is back to 10 cycles, while the P5 is actually faster, at just 3 cycles/word. I think the only way to improve on this code is by unrolling it, which will save up to 4 cycles/word for the 486, and just a single P5 cycle. PS. Make sure that your array is naturally aligned (16-bit word), if not it will run a lot slower, esp. on a P5. }