{ I have made a program that calculates Primes, I think it is quite fast and would like to have it included in SWAG. On a P120 it calculates all primes up to 1.000.000 in 10.3 s. And if somebody knows how to optimize it please tell me. } program prime; uses dos,crt; var prmtal : array[1..16142] of longint; a : longint; sq,qq,x,tst : longint; h,m,s,hu : word; {time} xx : longint; b : word; till : longint; {check primes up to..} g : string[10]; procedure Putstr(s:string);assembler; {This routine was made by} asm { JAMIE MORTIMER } push ds mov ax,$b800 mov es,ax xor di,di lds si,s mov cl,byte ptr [si] inc si mov ah,7 @1: mov al,byte ptr [si] mov word ptr es:[di],ax inc si add di,2 dec cl jnz @1 pop ds end; procedure prm1; begin tst:=121; repeat repeat inc(a,4); if tst16100; repeat repeat inc(a,4); if tsttill; end; begin prmtal[16142]:=3; xx:=0; a:=25; qq:=5; gettime(h,m,s,hu); sq:=hu+100*s+6000*m+360000*h; prmtal[1]:=5; {2 and 3 is not included..} prmtal[2]:=7; prmtal[3]:=11; prmtal[4]:=13; prmtal[5]:=17; prmtal[6]:=19; prmtal[7]:=23; till:=1000000; x:=7; clrscr; prm1; {begin testing} writeln; Writeln('Primes found:',x,' '); Gettime(h,m,s,hu); sq:=(hu+100*s+m*6000+h*360000)-sq; writeln('Time ',round(int(sq/100)),'.',round(100*frac(sq/100)),'s'); writeln; writeln(' Dx/33 = 53.34s'); writeln(' Dx/40 = 43.61s'); writeln('Dx4/75 = 23.53s'); writeln('Dx4/100 = 17.67s'); writeln('Dx4/120 = 14.71s'); writeln(' P120 = 10.32s'); end.