{THIS PROGRAM SHOWS HOW YOU CAN CALCULATE THE 6 TRIG FUNCTIONS. I DID THIS FOR A COMPUTER PROJECT AND THEREFORE PUT SOME GRAPHICS. THIS INCLUDES A FADING UNIT FOR 640 X 480 X 16 COLOUR PCX FILES WHICH I CAN ALSO DISPLAY. I HAVE CREATED A UNIT GAPP2 WHICH CONTAINS A LOT OF NEAT FUNCTIONS AND PROCS. HAVE MANY OTHER NEAT GENERIC STUFF INCLUDING PLAYING HSC FILES IN BACKGROUND. THIS IS AL DONE BY MYSELF ELLI LECHTMAN AND KEVIN EPSTEIN WHO IS AN EXPERT DELPHI PROGRAMMER. FOR MORE INTERESTING STUFF E - MAIL ME AT ELLI@ICON.CO.ZA ENJOY !!!!!} {$N+,E+,G+,F+,O+} {$M 32768,0,655360} {Compiler directives, are comments with a special syntax, and can be used wherever comments are allowed.} PROGRAM Trig; USES crt,graph,gapp2,screen_d; {Constant used for the Do_Chan procedure which writes numbers next to the graphic buttons.} CONST Chan : ARRAY[1..7] OF Char = ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); {Variables used.} VAR radians,cos_radians1,sIN_radians1,deg:real; place,i:INteger; {Initializes Graphics mode.} PROCEDURE DO_graph; VAR gd,gm:INteger; BEGIN gd:=detect; INitgraph(gd,gm,''); {Stick your bgi directory in here} IF GraphResult <> GrOk THEN BEGIN Clrscr; writeln('SomethINg wrong WITH Graphics'); Writeln('Check INitlINe'); Halt(1); END; END; {Function used to calculate n!.} FUNCTION FacTOrial(number:INteger):extENDed; VAR counter:INteger; TOtal:extENDed; BEGIN TOtal:=1; counter:=0; FOR counter:=1 TO number DO TOtal:=TOtal*counter; FacTOrial:=TOtal; END; {Function used to calculate the the result of a base to the power.} FUNCTION Exponent(base,power:real):extENDed; VAR no,i:extENDed; BEGIN no:=base; i:=1; WHILE i <= power-1 DO BEGIN no:=no * base; i:=i+1; END; Exponent:=no; END; {The Cos function.} FUNCTION CosINe(rad:real;places:INteger):real; VAR expo:INteger; str1,str2:STRING; Accurate:boolean; {Accuracy to what user wants.} ans:real; j:INteger; BEGIN expo:=2; ans:=1-(exponent(rad,expo)/facTOrial(expo)); str(ans,str1); str1:=copy(str1,0,places+1); j:=1; Accurate:=false; WHILE NOT Accurate DO BEGIN INc(expo,2); IF j MOD 2 = 0 THEN ans:=ans- (exponent(rad,expo)/facTOrial(expo)) ELSE ans:=ans + (exponent(rad,expo)/facTOrial(expo)); INc(j); str(ans,str2); str2:=copy(str2,0,places+1); accurate:=str1=str2; str1:=str2; str2:=''; END; cosINe:=ans; END; {The Sin Function} FUNCTION sINe(rad:real;places:INteger):real; VAR expo,j:INteger; str1,str2:STRING; Accurate:boolean; ans:real; BEGIN expo:=3; j:=1; ans:=rad-(exponent(rad,expo)/facTOrial(expo)); str(ans,str1); str1:=copy(str1,0,places+1); accurate:=false; WHILE NOT Accurate DO BEGIN INc(expo,2); IF j MOD 2 = 0 THEN ans:=ans- (exponent(rad,expo)/facTOrial(expo)) ELSE ans:=ans + (exponent(rad,expo)/facTOrial(expo)); INc(j); str(ans,str2); str2:=copy(str2,0,places+1); accurate:=str1=str2; str1:=str2; str2:=''; END; sINe:=ans; END; {Reduction formulae for the Sin function. Used to deterimine which quadrant the number is situated. Quadrant 1 is always positive.} FUNCTION SINCheck(VAR num:real):real; BEGIN IF (num<=180) AND (num>90) THEN num:=180-num ELSE {Quadrant 2} IF (num >180) AND (num<=270) THEN num:=-(num-180) ELSE {Quadrant 3} IF (num>270) AND (num<=360) THEN num:=-(360 -num); {Quadrant 4} SINcheck:=num; END; {Reduction formulae for the Cos Function. Same as Sin Function.} FUNCTION CosCheck(VAR num:real):real; BEGIN IF (num<=180) AND (num>90) THEN num:=-num ELSE {Quadrant 1} IF (num >180) AND (num<=270) THEN num:=-(180 - num)ELSE {Quadrant 2} IF (num > 270) AND (num <=360) THEN num:=360 - num; {Quadrant 3} CosCheck:=num; END; {Reduction formulae for Tan. As well as to check the different quadrants of the individual Cos and Sin values.} FUNCTION Tan_check(VAR num,sIN_radians,cos_radians:real):real; BEGIN IF (num > 90) AND (num <=180) THEN num:=-(180-num); {Quadrant 2} IF (num >180) AND (num <=270) THEN num:=num-180; {Quadrant 3} IF (cos_radians >-1) AND (cos_radians < 1) AND (sIN_radians >=0) AND (sIN_radians<1) THEN Tan_check:=sINe(sIN_radians,place)/cosINe(cos_radians,place) ELSE IF (sIN_radians <0) OR (sIN_radians >1) AND (cos_radians<-1) OR (cos_radians>1) THEN BEGIN SINcheck(deg); sIN_radians:=(num*pi)/180; Coscheck(deg); cos_radians:=(num*pi)/180; Tan_check:=sINe(sIN_radians,place)/cosINe(cos_radians,place); END; END; {Function to convert a Real number to String. Works better than str and is more easier in Assembler.} FUNCTION RTOS( nNum: REAL; nLength, nDec: INTEGER ): STRING; VAR s: ^STRING; BEGIN ASM mov sp, bp push ss push WORD PTR @RESULT END; STR( nNum:nLength:nDec, s^ ); END; {Lets the user enter the degrees.} PROCEDURE Write_degs(VAR degrees:real;VAR st:STRING); VAR s:STRING; x,y,x1,y1,err:INteger; BEGIN SETtextstyle(6,0,1); x:=30; x1:=30+120; y:=40; y1:=40 +120; SETcolOR(black); SETfillstyle(solidfill,blue); bar(x+550,y+225,x1-100,y1-20); frame(x+550,y+225,x1-100,y1-20,White,darkgray); Outtextxy(x+10,y+100,' Please enter degrees : '); s:=''; WHILE s = '' DO readlnxy(x+208,y+114,10,s,blue,white); st:=s; val(st,degrees,err); END; {Lets the user enter accuracy of decimal places.} PROCEDURE Write_place(VAR deci:INteger); VAR s:STRING; x,y,x1,y1,err:INteger; BEGIN SETtextstyle(6,0,1); x:=30; x1:=30+120; y:=40; y1:=40 +120; SETcolOR(black); Outtextxy(x+23,y+135,' Please enter accuracy of decimal places : '); s:=''; WHILE s = '' DO readlnxy(x+355,y+148,10,s,blue,white); val(s,deci,err); END; {Displays all the results of Sin Function.} PROCEDURE DO_sINe; VAR st,st2:STRING; x,y:INteger; BEGIN x:=30; y:=40; st:=''; SETtextstyle(6,0,1); write_degs(deg,st); write_place(place); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; SETcolOR(black); SETtextstyle(6,0,1); IF (radians >=0) AND (radians<1) THEN BEGIN Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Sine of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+120,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(sINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; IF (radians <0) OR (radians >1) THEN BEGIN SINcheck(deg); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Sine of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+120,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(sINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; readln; END; {Same as Do_Sine but for Cos Function.} PROCEDURE DO_Cos; VAR st,st2:STRING; x,y:INteger; BEGIN x:=30; y:=40; st:=''; write_degs(deg,st); write_place(place); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; SETcolOR(black); SETtextstyle(6,0,1); IF (radians >-1) AND (radians < 1) THEN BEGIN Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Cosine of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+140,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(cosINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; IF (radians<-1) OR (radians>1) THEN BEGIN Coscheck(deg); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Cosine of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+140,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(cosINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; readln; END; {Same as above} PROCEDURE DO_Tan; VAR x,y:INteger; st:STRING; BEGIN x:=30; y:=40; st:=''; write_degs(deg,st); SETtextstyle(6,0,1); {Due to assimptote situation.} IF (deg = 90) OR (deg = 270) OR (deg =450) OR (deg= 630) THEN Outtextxy(x+25,y+135,'Sorry, the result of this function is undefined !!!') ELSE BEGIN write_place(place); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; SETtextstyle(6,0,1); SETcolOR(black); cos_radians1:=(deg*pi)/180; sIN_radians1:=(deg*pi)/180; Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Tan of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+120,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(tan_check(deg,sIN_radians1,cos_radians1),5,place)); END; readln; END; {Inverse of Sin function. Cannot invert 0 so if answer is 0 then keep it.} PROCEDURE DO_Cosec; VAR st,st2:STRING; x,y:INteger; BEGIN radians:=0; x:=30; y:=40; st:=''; SETtextstyle(6,0,1); write_degs(deg,st); write_place(place); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; SETcolOR(black); SETtextstyle(6,0,1); IF (radians >=0) AND (radians<1) THEN BEGIN Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Cosec of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+136,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240+length(st)+20,y+175,'is'); IF ((trunc(deg) MOD 360 = 0)) OR ((trunc(deg) MOD 360 = 180)) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+100,y+175,rTOs(sINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; IF ((trunc(deg) MOD 360 <> 0)) OR ((trunc(deg) MOD 360 <> 180 )) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+100,y+175,rTOs(1/(sINe(radians,place)),5,place)); END; END; IF (radians <0) OR (radians >1) THEN BEGIN SINcheck(deg); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Cosec of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+136,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240+length(st)+20,y+175,'is'); IF (trunc(deg) MOD 360 = 0) OR (trunc(deg) MOD 360 = 180) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(sINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; IF (trunc(deg) MOD 360 <> 0) OR (trunc(deg) MOD 360 = 180 ) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(1/(sINe(radians,place)),5,place)); END; END; readln; END; {Inverse of Cos Function.} PROCEDURE DO_Sec; VAR st,st2:STRING; x,y:INteger; BEGIN radians:=0; x:=30; y:=40; st:=''; SETtextstyle(6,0,1); write_degs(deg,st); write_place(place); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; SETcolOR(black); SETtextstyle(6,0,1); IF (radians >=0) AND (radians<1) THEN BEGIN Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Sec of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+116,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); IF ((trunc(deg) MOD 90 = 0)) OR ((trunc(deg) MOD 90 = 45)) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(cosINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; IF ((trunc(deg) MOD 90 <> 0)) OR ((trunc(deg) MOD 360 <> 45 )) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(1/(cosINe(radians,place)),5,place)); END; END; IF (radians <0) OR (radians >1) THEN BEGIN SINcheck(deg); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Sec of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+116,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); IF (trunc(deg) MOD 90 = 0) OR (trunc(deg) MOD 90 = 45) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(cosINe(radians,place),5,place)); END; IF (trunc(deg) MOD 90 <> 0) OR (trunc(deg) MOD 90 = 45 ) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(1/(cosINe(radians,place)),5,place)); END; END; readln; END; {Inverse of Cot Function.} PROCEDURE DO_Cot; VAR x,y:INteger; st:STRING; BEGIN x:=30; y:=40; st:=''; write_degs(deg,st); SETtextstyle(6,0,1); IF (deg = 90) OR (deg = 270) OR (deg =450) OR (deg= 630) THEN Outtextxy(x+25,y+135,'Sorry, the result of this function is undefINed !!!') ELSE BEGIN write_place(place); radians:=(deg*pi)/180; SETtextstyle(6,0,1); SETcolOR(black); cos_radians1:=(deg*pi)/180; sIN_radians1:=(deg*pi)/180; Outtextxy(x+28,y+175,'The Cot of '); st:=st + 'ø'; Outtextxy(x+120,y+175,st); Outtextxy(x+240,y+175,'is'); IF (trunc(deg) MOD 180 = 0) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(tan_check(deg,sIN_radians1,cos_radians1),5,place)); END; IF (trunc(deg) MOD 180 <>0) THEN BEGIN SETcolOR(red); Outtextxy(x+220+50,y+175,rTOs(1/(tan_check(deg,sIN_radians1,cos_radians1)),5,place)); END; END; readln; END; {Used to draw numbers next to a button to let user use program with keyboard only.} PROCEDURE DOChan(x,y : INteger;s : STRING); BEGIN SETfillstyle(solidfill,black); Bar(x-2,y-2,x+25,y+25); Bar(x-2,y-2,x+25,y+25); Frame(x-2,y-2,x+25,y+25,White,darkgray); SETcolOR(White); SETtextstyle(6,0,2); Outtextxy(x+6,y-4,s); END; {Main menu. Loads a PCX file 640 X 480 X 16 dimensions. Then displays buttons.} PROCEDURE Menu; VAR i:INteger; BEGIN Fadeout; readscr('background.pcx'); DOButTOn(230,100,'Sin Function '); DOButTOn(230,100,'Sin Function '); DOButTOn(230,150,'Cos Function '); DObutTOn(230,200,'Tan Function'); DOButTOn(230,250,'Cosec Function'); DOButTOn(230,300,'Sec Function '); DOButTOn(230,350,'Cot Function '); DObutTOn(230,400,'Quit'); ShowmousecursOR; FOR i := 1 TO 7 DO DOChan(180,50 + (i*50),Chan[i]); FadeIN; END; Procedure SetUpScreen; Begin ClrScr; textcolor(blue); writeln; Writeln(' Program written by Elli Lechtman '); writeln; textcolor(lightred); Writeln(' STD 10 '); writeln(' Sandringham High School'); writeln(' 1997'); writeln; textcolor(lightblue); writeln(' Home Page'); writeln(' http://www.icon.co.za/~elli/welcome.htm'); GotoXY (1,5); TextColor (yellow); GotoXY(21, 19); Writeln('This Program is Copyrighted by Elli Lechtman'); GotoXY(13,21); Writeln('This Program is Public Domain as long as not sold for profit.'); End; {This is where the user controls the Functions that he wants.} PROCEDURE Menu_Screen; VAR ch : Char; rep : INteger; quit:boolean; PROCEDURE Proc1; BEGIN Banimate(230,100,'Sin Function '); hidemousecursOR; DO_Sine; menu; showmousecursOR; END; PROCEDURE Proc2; BEGIN BAnimate(230,150,'Cos Function '); hidemousecursOR; DO_cos; menu; showmousecursOR; END; PROCEDURE Proc3; BEGIN Banimate(230,200,'Tan Function'); hidemousecursOR; DO_tan; menu; showmousecursOR; END; PROCEDURE Proc4; BEGIN Banimate(230,250,'Cosec Function'); hidemousecursOR; DO_cosec; menu; showmousecursOR; END; PROCEDURE proc5; BEGIN Banimate(230,300,'Sec Function '); hidemousecursOR; DO_sec; menu; showmousecursOR; END; PROCEDURE proc6; BEGIN Banimate(230,350,'Cot Function '); hidemousecursOR; DO_cot; menu; showmousecursOR; END; PROCEDURE MaINProc; BEGIN Quit := False; FOR i := 1 TO 6 DO DOChan(180,50 + (i*50),Chan[i]); REPEAT Ch := ' '; REPEAT ShowmousecursOR; IF Keypressed THEN Ch := readkey; UNTIL (GetbutTOnpressed = 1) OR (Ch <> ' '); IF (CButTOn(230,100,'Sin Function ') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (Ch = '1') THEN Proc1; IF (CbutTOn(230,150,'Cos Function ') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (Ch = '2') THEN Proc2; IF (CbutTOn(230,200,'Tan Function') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (Ch = '3') THEN Proc3; IF (CButTOn(230,250,'Cosec Function') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (Ch = '4') THEN Proc4; IF (CButTOn(230,300,'Sec Function') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (Ch = '5') THEN Proc5; IF (CButTOn(230,350,'Cot Function') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (Ch = '6') THEN Proc6; IF (CbutTOn(230,400,'Quit') AND (getbutTOnpressed = 1)) OR (upCASE(Ch) = '7') THEN BEGIN quit:=true; Banimate(230,400,'Quit'); fadeout; hidemousecursor; closegraph; fadein; END; UNTIL Quit; END; BEGIN maINproc; END; BEGIN radians:=0; {Initializes variables} deg:=0; place:=0; DO_graph; readscr('trig.pcx'); {Loads introductory PCX file} delay(3000); menu; menu_screen; restorecrtmode; SetUpScreen; readln; END.