{ BP7 is not limited to 16Meg of memory, by running the Program below in a Windows 3.1 Window, it created 744 Objects allocating 30Meg of memory. The final printout verified that all the items were still there. So if you use a third party DPMI server, you should be able to use all your memory. I might point out that I allocated 30Meg of memory on my 16Meg machine. I run Windows 3.1 With a 32Meg permanent swap File. } Program BigMemory; Uses OpStrDev,Objects; Type PDataType=^DataType; DataType=Object(tObject) C:LongInt; S:String; Stuffing:Array[1..40000] of Byte; Constructor Init(I:LongInt); end; Var Counter:LongInt; List:TCollection; Constructor DataType.Init(I:LongInt); begin tObject.Init; C:=I; Write(tpstr,'I = ',I,' I div 2 =',I div 2); S:=returnstr; end; Procedure Printall; Procedure PrintOne(P:PDataType);Far; begin Writeln(P^.C,' - ',P^.S); end; begin List.Foreach(@PrintOne); end; begin Counter:=0; List.Init(1000,1000); Repeat inc(Counter); List.Insert(New(PDataType,Init(Counter))); Write(Counter,' mem =',Memavail,^M); Until Memavail<50000; PrintAll; end.